Chapter 16

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In a small village in the Land of Fire, silence bore into the night, the only noise was the small conversation of people who had left bars had were headed towards their home, overall it was peaceful and serine sce-.


Guess not.

In the bar were the scream that just woke the entire village, was non other the Toad Sage holding his head as he climbed out of a new window of the bar made by non-other then Tsunade Senju, who was radiating a incredible amount of killing intent.

"Explain now!"-Demanded the busty women.

"It's simple Tsunade, there's another 3 Senju's out there."

"How is that simple?"-she asked as she pushed him into a chair near her apprentice who was trembling.

"Well, I found out when I was visiting Konoha for a monthly update to sensei and after informing of some happenings the blonde brat comes in and when I know about it I'm taking him to train, the other I found out when I learned that Kushina was alive and had another 2 brats."-He decided against telling her when he found out.

He did not intend to fly through another wall.

"Shizune! Pack your things were are going to Konoha!"-Tsunade barked.

"Hai shishou!"


The travel didn't take long towards Konoha, they arrived at sunrise at the glorious red gates of the village.

They walked in not even bothering to greet the gate guards, poor bastards thought they were under attack until they saw Jiraya.

As they walked through the village directly towards the Hokage tower not even one person bothered the duo of Sannin and apprentice.

They walked inside the Hokage tower, where again no one bothered the raging Sannin, when they entered the Hokage's office they watched as Hiruzen was giving orders to Shikaku Nara to stay and guard the village while he was away.

"Sensei."-Tsunade greeted.

"Tsunade-hime. It's a pleasure to see you again, although now is not the best of times."-The Sandaime replied.

"I don't care who's Naruto Senju?"

"So Jiraya found you. That's good. But regarding Naruto-kun, that what warrants my leave from the office."

That stopped both Sannin cold, something that made the 'Kami no Shinobi' leave the office was something rare. Only when it regarded Orochimaru had he left the office in the last decades.

"What happen?"-spoke Jiraya who adopted a more serious tone.

"Sasuke Uchiha has left the village and Naruto decided that to protect everyone else since we are short on Jonnin was best he leave and rescue him solo, the only information on the matter is that he sent a toad saying he got through one of the 'Sound 5'. And was continuing chase."

"The brats going to Orochimaru then."-concluded Jiraya.

"We are going with you!"- said Tsunade with a no nonsense tone to it.

"Very well!"-The Hokage agreed and left with both Sannin hot on his tail.


"Brings back memories doesn't it?"-Jiraya broke the silence they were in after leaving the village.

"It does indeed!"-The Sandaime responded-"now be on guard."

They came across a clearing that had clearly seen better days, some of the ground was muddy indicating the use of the Doton: Yomi Numa (Earth style: Swamp of the Underworld), in which was a upper body that had several cuts, and was missing the head, who was found shortly rolling about.

They continued on, having much worse in the war, which surprised them was that Tsunade did not enter shock after seeing the body, but they guessed that the desire to protect the family she had.


Naruto was having a field day today. First the Teme decides to escape and join the Snake Sannin, then when he chases after him he finds the 5 idiots and managed to take out 4 of them leaving the girl alive stuck under a tree for interrogation. The last one was complicated as he managed to keep up with taijutsu and kenjutsu, then Sasuke gets out and runs away, his Kaguya adversary was impressive and Naruto was having a hard time to win.

That is until the timely appearance of the Sand Siblings, no words were needed because Naruto understood Garaa's intentions after a nod from the boy.

Now Naruto was a mix of furious, nervous and excited as he finally arrived at the Valley of the End, landing on the head of the stone statue of the Shodaime he looked towards Sasuke who was with his back turned to him and stood on Madara's Uchiha's head.

Naruto was about to speak out to the Uchiha, but Sasuke beat him to the punch, turning around and showing his now 3 tomoe Sharingan he began "Naruto, I finally remember you, the boy who lived alone and that nobody loved. I remember trying to talk to you but you always ended up running away. It pained me though I didn't know why."-Sasuke began rambling-" after the massacre of the clan my felling of loneliness and hurt increased tenfold, and I swore that I would become powerful."

"And why do you need that power?"-Naruto question from his Statue. "Why do yo-"

"Because I won't ever let anyone suffer through that, not again, no one will have to know what its like to leave like that anymore, not like me and not like you! And only with power can I do that!"-He declared.

"That's not the way to peace! The way to peace is through understanding one another and love, not power!"-Naruto announced.

"You are naïve! Don't you see that hate is what moves the world!"

"Then I'll end the hate and bring love!"-He once again spoke with determination.

"That is impossible! There will always be victors and losers, then what?"-Sasuke yelled as his Sharingan spun menacingly-" to me you are a brother Naruto, a brother in pain and loneliness. And with your death I'll have gained the power to create peace! Then I'll embrace the darkness and make the world fear my power and create peace as they hunt for me togheter!"

With that Sasuke ran towards the lake underneath them using the tree walking exercise, action that was soon followed by Naruto who began running towards him to engage in Taijutsu.

With that the battle of ideals began.


Okay that's another one done!

I made this change towards Sasuke's character which I believe will be more exciting to read and write.

Now next chapter is the fight. Hope you enjoy. I'll try to post soon enough.


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