Chapter 7

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Team 7 was not, at the moment having a nice time. The client had lied about the mission and now both their sensei's were imprisoned by a Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique), courtesy of rogue Kirigakure Ninja, Zabuza Momochi.

All member of the team trembled in fear. The pressure in the hair making it hard to breathe, the client, a civilian old man, had already met the floor when his legs gave out.

The enemy ninja made a Mizu Bunshin (Water clone), who walked over to the scared Genin. The clone lifted his sword, he brought it down on the unmoving Gennin, they awaited impact, none came. Mito bravely opened one of her eyes to see what happen, she instead of the Rogue ninja found a mop of blonde hair using his own sword to block the one that came down on them.

"Naruto!"-exclaimed Kakashi.

Naruto rolled with his blade to the side avoiding another slash, he used a small amount of chakra to impulse his legs, he ran at the clone dodging a downwards slash, he caught him[The Clone] by  surprise, and taking the advantage he pushed the sword through the clones chest dispersing it in a puddle of water.

"Another brat. At least this one looks like a real ninja, and that sword."-Zabuza chuckled -"so you are the one who stole it from him. I'll deal with you  personally."-Said the ninja before making a sealless water clone that took his place holding team 7 sensei's.

Gotcha!-Tought Naruto as he pretended to be afraid by stepping backwards as the enemy moved closer. As soon as Zabuza got to withing 10 ft of Naruto, the blonde smirked, which immediately put the Rogue in a more careful mood.

Naruto ran to the side of Zabuza, who followed him but due to his natural high speed, the clone got some space between him and the swordsman.
Naruto tosed his blade with the handle Infront  towards the clone who simply dodged by moving his head to the side.

'Naruto' then proceeded to run up to the ex-Kiri Shinobi who looked puzzled, as he got closer he began to glow, exploding only a second later, tossing Zabuza aside in the lake.

Zabuza looked up to see the blonde destroying his clone that was holding the prison, he cursed his luck. This was getting real bad real quickly.

Zabuza soon found himself in unable to move only seeing a shadow connecting him to some bushes. He tried to fight for control but could not best it.

From the bush emerged team 10 showing a knelt down Shikamaru, who had his shadow connecting to Zabuza.

Kakashi got in position and began to go through hand seals, he then spoke:"Suiton: Gufū Suika no Jutsu ( Water style: Hurricane Vortex Technique)"

The result of such an attack sent Zabuza flying into the tree line. After many broken trees, the group walked up to the Rogue, where Asuma took one of his trench knifes and coated it with wind chakra, making it that much sharper.

As the Hokage's son was about to deliver the final blow, a couple of senbon hit the side of the missing nin neck, killing him.

The Konoha party looked on to the side to find a teen not much holder then themselves, wearing a mask with the symbol of Kirigakure on it. Kakashi moved to Zabuza's body and checked for a pulse. He found none.

"Thank you for your help capturing him. I've been hunting him for a while now."-Said the teen.
"A hunter nin eh"- commented Naruto off handedly, as the hunter nin left in a Shunshin (Body Flicker).

The teams re grouped and after some praise for a good plan, they re-grouped. They made it to Tazuna's, the client, house. They were greeted by a middle age women, who turned out to be Tazuna's daughter, a while later they also met Inari, Tsunami's son.

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