Chapter 25

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He arrived at a forest, it's mist covered most of his vision but with an appliance of Kurama's chakra his eyesight cleared a bit. He moved quietly only the slight rustle of his armour made any noise.

Bringing his hands into a cross sign he called out in a whisper "Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow clone technique)".

Around him 50 clones arrived no smoke or sound  coming from them who soon took to the trees already knowing the plan.

He sat in the clearing knowing he could sort through the memories of his clones if he meditated, he waited in silence for over an hour when suddenly he received the rush of information regarding the movements of the opposing army, however life could not be simple as he learned that the hardest enemy was coming as well.

'If he's coming, Doton won't be of much help I'll need to take them head on. It's best I create the field advantage.'-the thought process lasted but a second, formations for battle already appearing and disappearing in his mind as he disregarded the ones with any flaw.

Arriving at a enormous plane he set his plan into motion sending clones to draw explosion notes onto the ground hiding them under a thin line of dirt.

Calling a Shadow clone aside he told him to scout ahead, after all information was key.

He sighed heavily already feeling nature cry out due to the loss of life that was about to happen, it was him versus an army and a Biju things were not looking very good. He might not come out of this alive.

"Having doubts I see"-came the baritone voice from his mind.

"Not really, it's just hard to take so many lives when I preach peace."-he responded softly.

"Kit, just remember for what you are fighting for, then you will always be confident in your decision."-Kurama said sagely before going silent.

"Yeah"-he said a loud his finger tracing Momo's and Temari's names on his armour while a small smile found his way to his face.

He lifted his head as he got his clones memories, his eyes burned with determination, as he heard the first explosions occur.

"Let's get this show on the road"-he muttered as he dove into the field.

The army stopped its wake and even Naruto admitted that in the large planes it looked rather intimidating.

"What's the meaning of this?"-a plane looking Shinobi asked as Naruto's chakra began saturating the air and he blasted killing intent at the forces, making them sweat.

"You know I just love crashing parties!"-he grinned. Taking a stance his face turned into a smirk, putting all ninja that could see him on edge. He ran forward at speeds few could match and started a taijutsu brawl versus the front lines who moved almost a second later them he.

Time to make this idiots regret waking up in the morning.

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Mei Terumi had been hushered in at the gates of Konoha along with her two companions showing her that they knew they were coming.

Arriving at the Hokage tower she ordered Ao and Chojoro to wait outside while she had talks with the Hokage.

When she entered the office she came face to face with the stoic face of Itachi Uchiha, and couldn't help the little pink that devoured her cheeks, the young Kage was very handsome in her humble opinion.

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