Chapter 9

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The group arrived at the bridge, game faces on. As soon as they came they found the workers on the floor either unconscious or dead. The hair grew tich as a mist grew in.

"Assume positions!"-barked Kakashi.
"Hai!"- The group took their assigned positions, with Naruto, Sasuke and Choji, in front.

Naruto spotted movement to his right, and as fast as he could, ran disposing of what seemed to be a small group of Mizu Bunshin (Water Clones), the fog cleared ever so slightly, revealing 2 figures.

Zabuza Momochi and Haku.

"It would seem that you have a rival in speed Haku. Have fun."-whised Zabuza as Haku jumped towards Naruto, senbon in hand.

Naruto took out a kunai from his pouch and jumped to meet Haku in the middle. Their weapons clashed. Naruto went for a side kick which connected sending the female to the side, whom he followed swiftly, followed himself by Sasuke and Choji.

Haku went for another clash of blades, but was stopped in her tracks as a Fire ball passed her. Sasuke smirked.

"That's how you do it clan-less."-boasted Sasuke.
"Whatever you say, now focus!"-Said Naruto.
Sasuke sucked his teeth but followed the order, he would show Naruto his place.

Haku seeing them together smirked behind her mask." To make me use this Jutsu so soon. But it is required."
She made a strange handseal and the air around the group began to cool down to a freezing temperature. She chanted "Makyo Hyosho (Demonic Ice Mirrors)."

The jutsu crated 21 mirrors made of Ice around the 3 Gennin. She steeped inside one of the ice structures and like such emited a reflection in all of them.

"So you're a Yuki."-conclued Naruto.
"Indeed I am."-confirmed Haku as he clicked his teeth, he had read that their ice was as strong as steel. Ordinary means wouldn't work.

Good thing he himself wasn't ordinary.

He was about to inform his friends where when he looked to Choji he saw the...husky boy fall with a wave of senbon in his back. Two versus one now.

Sasuke looked to the Akimichi, and saw him fall, he joined backs with Naruto as they prepared to fight and watch eachother's back.

Naruto had a smirk he already had a plan to how he would deal, with the mirrors he would have to show one of his heavy hitters, but he was sure to work.

"Sasuke give me a fireball at 10 o'clock."-Said Naruto as he went through hand seals.
The Raven shot the fire ball, only to watch in amazement as it was enhanced by Naruto's Futon:Daitoppa (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough). The fire grew to great proportions mixing in with the wind. The strong collaboration hit the mirror only for it to crack slightly on the corners who were repaired with a use of chakra by Haku.

"Seems they are more durable then I thought."-frowned Naruto.
After that talk a group of senbon came in and hit the two Gennin, but none fell. Another batch came and they dodged again. Now on opposite sides of the battlefield, they looked at eachother and nodded they'd have to keep this up for a better plan.
As the senbon rained down on them, they began to  slow down, and becoming even more filled pincushions. As another batch advanced towards Naruto, Sasuke began to see a lot clearer, and like such saw that they would it some vital parts of the blonde.
He did not order his body for it moved for himself and jumped in front of the Jinchuriki. He took the whole batch on his back.
"Why?"-asked Naruto as looked into Sasuke's newly achieved Sahringan.
"My body moved on its own"-he coughed some blood, as he closed his eyes and flew into unconsciousness.
Naruto checked for a pulse. He found one, that calmed him down, he was on the verge of using Kurama's chakra to end this.
He looked to the image after setting the raven on the ground. His eyes showed pure rage. He had to get out of here, he really was going to go for a heavy hitter alright.

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