Chapter 15

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Naruto woke up and saw white, the bright lights also didn't help as he closed his eyes, while muttering about stupid lightbulbs.

Opening his eyes slowly, he briefly concluded that he was in the hospital, sitting up he saw that he was bare chested, with bandages drapped around his chest.

He heard his door slide open before closing and footsteps coming closer, he turned to see a nurse, around 2 to 3 years older then him.

"How are you felling Naruto-san?"

"I'm fine, thank you."-He replied with a smile.

"You should be able to leave around lunch time, now if you'll excuse me."- she informed.

"Go on ahead."

As she left the room, he took a meditative position, and began to relax, he felt his chakra flow slowly throughout him. He began to go over his battle in his mind, calmly seeing what his mistakes were and what his better decisions were.

He was so calm that the only thing that disturbed him was the sound of the door opening followed by a gasp, and the sound of running towards him.

Opening his eyes, he only had time to secure himself as his sister's jumped to his arms and held him tightly.

"Nii-san are you ok?"-they questioned in unison.

"Good as new."-his voice was calm and soft.

"When are you leaving?"-The voice came from the door.

"At lunch time."-Said Naruto who turned to see his mother.

"That's good, we'll get lunch together then."-she said.

And like such they began talking about their lives, enjoying themselves until a nurse came and told him that he could go. In record time he was out of the damn bed and into the bathroom leaving 2 minutes later, ready to go and leave the god forsaken place.

As you can see he loved hospitals.

Going over to the famous ramen stand of Ichirakus, they entered ready to devour a mouthful of the heavenly dish.

Midway through his 17th bowl an ANBU with a cat mask came in.

"Naruto-san you've been requested by the council."-she said and as fast as she came she left.

"Guess the ramen eating contest needs to be postponed."-He said with a small smile before leaving in a puff of smoke.


Entering the council chambers, he was met with looks of disdain from the civilian side, while the Shinobi were in turn giving him looks of approval.

He walked slowly to the middle of the room so that all could see him. "Why was I summoned, Hokage-sama?"

"I would like to know as well."-Hiruzen spoke with s tone that left no doubts that the 'Kami no Shinobi' was back.

"We requested him Hokage-sama."-spoke a pink haired council women.

"And what can my humble self do for you, my dear civilian council?"-Naruto's voice dripped in sarcasm.

"You will respect us boy!"-spoke Koharu, who was an old teammate of the Sandaime.

"I simply asked what is requested of me."

"Move on!"-The Hokage ordered.

"I would like to ask you, is it true that you possess the sword Kusenagi?"-spoke Danzo.

"Yes I do."-He confirmed.

"Them we as the council demand that it is given to us so that it can go to proper hands."-a fat civilian merchant spoke with an incredible amount of venom in his voice.

"Along with your scrolls including the one on your back."-added Homura, the other teammate of Hiruzen.

"So you can give it to the teme who's standing there in the corner?"-He remarked sarcastically.

"You will respect Uchiha-sama! And yes it is for him that your possessions will go, as he is more deserving."-The same fat merchant bellowed.

Silence etched on the council chamber as Naruto looked at them, an unemotional mask on his, when he suddenly smirked.

"No."-The answer was simple.

"You will give me your sword and scrolls dobe!"-The Uchiha bellowed.

Itachi could only shake his head in embarrassment at his little brother's antics.

"I said no because they are mine and I earned them through hard work"-at this all of the Shinobi council nodded as it was a good point-"besides you would be breaking Konoha law n° 32, in this quest of yours as they are clan Jutsu."

"What clan?"-spoke Uselessness version 2-I mean- Hikari Haruno.

"The Senju clan."-The answer schook the entire room, except the Sandaime who looked on with a small smirk.

"You are not part of the Senju Clan boy do not missuse the name of our founders."-it was Koharu who spoke this time.

"He his not lying."-evryone turned with wide eyes to the Hokage who stood there smoking his most trusted pipe.

"What does this mean Hiruzen?"-Danzo bellowed.

"It's Hokage-sama to you Shimura! And it is as I said the boy does not lie. He his a proud member of the Senju clan."

"Prove it!"-exclaimed Hikari.

"Very we.."-as the Hokage was about to take out Naruto's birth certificate from his robes, he was stopped by a wood branch who held him firm.

As everyone turned to the blonde boy who was holding the snake seal who was whistling innocently.

"M-Mokuton!"-It appears the Uchiha Clan head found his voice first.

That took everyone out of their stupor.

"We apologize for our behaviour Senju-sama."-spoke Homura with as much respect as possible.

"Don't call me that."-It was a simple command but one that all obyed.

"But I have a question.."-It seems he wasn't finished-"What are you doing here, advisors and civilian council?"

"We have every right to be here."-It was Danzo that spoke.

"And thats where your wrong Shimura-san."

That made every clan head look up to see what was happening, maybe today they would free themselves who were always against running a Shinobi village, using SHINOBI.

"Enlighten us if you please."-Homura said through gritted teeth.

"You see, by law made by Nindaime-sama, my grandfather, the civilian and advisors only have the right to attend council meetings and vote for anything in the village in times of war, as we are at peace, excluding the already finished invasion by our colleagues at Suna, you have no right being here and try to asurb power from the village as it is a military village run by Shinobi.

Everyone was speechless as they saw Naruto take to the door and open it to make way to the now stunned and annoyed civilian and advisors who left.

"Ok now that the annoyances are gone how about some drinks?"-The blonde said with a smirk pulled out a scroll who when unsealed show several bottles of sake and cups.

Rest assured everyone agreed.


Ok that's that another chapter done! This was a simple filler but necessary. Next chapter prepare to welcome the drunk and the pervert again!

Cya hope you enjoyed.

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