Chapter 28

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Naruto smiled as he walked side by side with the brunette women, they were currently making their way through one of Hi no Kuni's forests, moving into the center of the country where Konoha took its stand. He felt a chakra signature coming his way,  a smiled graced his face wondering how the meeting between these two would go.

A blur made itself seen through the woods, and by the panicking face of Rin he could tell that she recognized it and was not as amused by this as he was. Putting a hand on her shoulder he felt her calm down somewhat. The blur finally landed in the path they were on  and made its features known.

Gravity defying silver hair.


Blue face mask that covered the face under the bridge of the nose.


Headband tilted to cover the left eye.


The blur reveled itself as Hatake Kakashi, ninja prodigy and student of the Yondaime Hokage. He greeted Naruto with an eye smiled before speaking "Yo Naruto, it's been a while."

"Yes it has, last time I saw you was at my wedding."-Rin turned to him with eyes as wide as dinner plates before they narrowed.

Kakashi hummed in acknowledgement before speaking "Although I have to wonder why Hokage-sama decided that I needed to meet you here."

"It was so that you could freak out here instead of the village proper."-he finished with a shrug.

"Now why would I freak out?"-his answer was Naruto pointing to the person he had ignored since his arrival, looking again at the person he took in the brown hair in a bun, the amber eyes looking anywhere but him the two thick lines of purple on her cheeks, the light blue sweater that she...hold on. Back up.

He knew this person.

He chidoried this person.

How the hell was she alive?

Naruto watched as Kakashi had the gears turn in his head, he could almost feel it happening he mentally counted. '3..2..1'. his timing was precise because Kakashi immediately lifted his headband to show off his crimson eye.

Kakashi was going through a wide range of emotions from happiness to Rin being alive to anger at her for leaving the village, so he settled in remorse for being able to do anything. Carefully he took a step forward and looked at her in the eyes. "Rin?"- he whispered in hidden happiness.

Rin met his eyes awith her watery ones and smiled truthfully for the first time in years "Hai Kakashi-kun."-she confirmed before jumping him and hugging her long time teammate.

Kakashi felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder when he heard the voice who was now much more womanly then he remembered, so when she jumped at him for a hug he hugged her back his head going to the crook of her neck, where he took in her scent. Flowery with a touch of cinnamon, just like he remembered.

Seeing the two reunion placed a smile on Naruto's face, his father's students disengaged from their hug, when Kakashi turned towards him his eye suddenly narrowing.

"Naruto Hokage-sama as a mission for you."-the blondes visage turned steely as he caught the tone on which Kakashi spoke.

"Which is?"-he asked.

"The day after you left we got news of the death of Orochimaru at the hands of Uchiha Sasuke. Earlier today we got the news of a sighting of Sasuke with 2 other companions walking through the border of Tsuki no Kuni. You have been ordered to find Sasuke and bring him back to the village."-Kakashi explained.

Naruto hummed in thought and closed his eyes. 'So you killed the old Snake Sasuke, I guess it's time we see eachother again and we might just make another valley.'

Outside Naruto portrayed non of his excitement and simply nodded before gathering chakra to flash to a marker near the border of the country.

Before he could leave however Kakashi stopped him. "Naruto there's something else you have to know." Taking the boy's raised eyebrow as a cue to continue, the silver headed Jonnin coughed before continuing. "Naruto according to an agreement between our village and Iwa, made by your father at the end of the last war, it states that the first male born of the Yondaime would have to marry the granddaughter of the Sandaime Tsuchikage to establish peace between our nations. It also states that the contract is valid above everything, which means it will happen regardless of your marriage with Temari."-the elite Jonnin watched as Naruto's eyes widen before he closed them and looked at the heavens.

"You ok Naruto?"-Kakashi asked when Naruto said nothing.

"Well I have a mission I need to go to, I'll see you later Kakashi."-he said before flashing away, thoughts of a painful death at the hands of a wind blade on his mind.

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