Chapter 5

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Konohagakure no Sato was in a celebratory mood, the princesses of the Uzumaki clan were coming back to the village.

None were more excited then 3 women, they were Tsume Inuzuka, Hitomi Hyuga and Mikoto Uchiha. All of them were excited because their friend from childhood, ever since they were in the academy, was coming back.

Tsume was standing with her son and daughter, or pups as she called them. Hitomi was standing with her daughter's, Hinata and Hanabi. And finally Mikoto was with the rest of her clan, or used to be clan, since Shisui Uchiha killed most letting only her and her sons alive only to be killed later by Mikoto's eldest son Itachi Uchiha.

As the party of Uzumaki's arrived at the gates they were greeted by several ninja and civilians. As their walk to the Hokage tower, came to a close, Kushina saw said Hokage, followed by the families of her good friends. Although one of the kids near Mikoto seemed to be brooding, his hair resembled a duck butt, she snickered at the thought.

"Hello Hiruzen"-she greeted with a small smile.
"It's been to long Kushina. How are you these days?"-The aged Kage responded fondly.
"I'm doing quite fine. It's..It's good to be back."

Kushina took a look around as if looking for someone. This did not go unnoticed by the Kage but he decided to let her slip.

"Now I believe some introductions are in order."-The Hokage spoke
"Ah yes, these are my daughter's Mito and Natsumi, and that is Karin, I do believe you know Kinata her mother."
"Yes, indeed"-The aged man took a smoke from his pipe-"Welcome to Konoha."
"Like any of these could match up to an Uchiha."-The brooding black head spoke in an arrogant tone.
"SASUKE!"-reprimended Mikoto
"It's fine Mikoto, I'm sure if he saw what they could he would change his opinion"-Said Kushina as she maintained her anger.
"And what can they do Kushi-chan?"-came the voice of the Hyuga matriarch
"Allow Karin to demonstrate."-came the voice of Kinata.
"Let's see what your pup's can do."-joined in Tsume followed by her son and daughter.
"Go on Karin. Tell me what his the strongest chakra besides the Hokage that you feel."

Karin did as she was told. She closed her eyes and expanded her senses, she began looking besides the Hokage there were a lot of strong chakra nearby, but as she pushed her limits she felt a spike, she looked deeper and found it to be coming from the side road that led to the Hokage's mansion.

She gasped, and as such most of the people looked towards her in a awaiting form. Her legs began to shake and so did her arms as she pointed a finger in the way she sensed.

"So strong and dense, and it's at least on par with the Hokage, it's incredible."-she managed to get out in a shaky voice.

The party looked on to see a figure of 5ft and 3 inches, his face was covered by a brown hood of a long sleeved brown jacket that did not covered his well defined chest, and hard abdomen.

The younger generation of women blushed up a storm, with the Hyuga topping it as they looked like tomato's.

The figure walked leisurely to the party. As he got closer they could make out the bottom half of his face, adorned by 3 whisker marks on each cheek.

He got to the party, as he neared he lifted on of his hands to take off the hood, he pulled it down, reviling, deep blue eyes and the long blond hair that Naruto sported.

"Yo Jiji! Been a while!"-He greeted with a smile.
"It has my boy. I can see you grew rather well."

Kushina and Kinata lost their breaths for a second, as their gaze stood on Naruto. Kushina wanted no more then to run to him and hug him, but the logical part of her brain, told her to hold her ground.

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