Chapter 24

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Naruto woke up to find his bed empty, blinking away the sleep from his eyes he, moved towards the bathroom, where he proceeded with his morning rituals. After dressing up in a pair of black Anbu pants and a black long sleeve shirt that went all the way to cover half of neck he moved towards the kitchen where he could hear the sounds of talking and later found a nice smell coming from there as well.

Finding Temari and Momo, both giggling as they cooked and seeing as they were so entranced by eachother he moved behind them and hugged Temari from behind. "Good Morning you two."- giving the blonde woman a kiss on the cheek as she mumbled a good morning back he kissed Momo's head and noted absently she was wearing a similar outfit to Temari's when they first met.

"How was your sleep Momo?"-he asked as the girl went to seat at the table besides him.

"It was very good, Tou-san."-she replied and as she was about say more the window slid open to show a large figure climbing in.

"Can't you use a door, Ero-Sensei?"-Naruto asked rethoricaly, to which Jiraya shurged.

"Doors are overrated gaki!"-the super pervert replied taking a seat at the table ignoring Naruto's mumbles of "of course have a seat."

Looking over to the new addition of the Senju family he smirked a little. "Who's the new girl?"-watching the blonde smirk right back, put him slight on edge.

"This is my daughter, Momo Senju"-he was oozing pride while the girl smiled and Temari hid a small smile as she sat down. "And mark my words Jiraya, if you ever even think about peeping on her You. Are. Dead. Got it?"-he asked making Jiraya nod furiously.

The conversation was about to continue when a crash  was heard followed by a shout of "Where is he?"-startling everyone in the house.

Recognising the voice Naruto paled, remembering that he forgot to go and see her, the day before with all the situation with Momo.

Scrambling to the window closely followed by Jiraya, they were about to step out when a sweet voice came from behind them making them sweat profusely.

"Naru-chan, Jiraya-kun your not trying to leave are you?"-they slowly turned their head to see a sight that frightened them both. Kushina had arrived and was pissed.

"Naruto I have go see you later."-Jiraya was quick to get out of there with a Shunshin. Seeing as his teacher was gone Naruto muttered a traitor under his breath.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the blonde Jonnin turned towards his mother who was much closer now, deciding to try and explain himself. "K-Ka-san I was gonna come to you today I-I.."-looking towards Temari for some help he found her snickering at his miss fortunate.

"Yes dear, do tell?"-she sounded so sweet but Naruto knew better one wrong word and he would find out just why his mother was known as 'The Red Hot-blooded habanero'.

"W-we-well you s-see."-as Kushina stared at Naruto while he was squirming on his feet, Momo watched it all by Temari's side partly hidden from view.

"Ka-chan, why is Tou-san scared?"-she asked quietly and the room went quiet that her proclamation, Kushina turned fast and locked eyes with the girl and Temari.

"Well it's because his Ka-chan is mad at him."-Temari explained, but Kushina crossed her arms under her bust and stomped quietly on the ground once. "Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Senju, who is this girl?"-Kushina pointed directly at Momo.

"M-my daughter, we adopted her yesterday she's also a Gennin under me."-the blonde male explained, but sweatdroped when he saw the red haired Kunoichi gain stars in her eyes and grab Momo hugging her fiercely.

"Your so cute! I could just eat you right up"-Kushina cooed, while pulling on Momo's cheeks, as a grin stretched across her face when she heard Momo giggle.

"Can I call you O-Oba-san?"-To which her answer was a resounding "yes" followed by a tight hug that welcomed her again to the Senju family.

The happy meeting was stopped by a crow hitting the window with its beak, a small scroll attached to its leg.

Opening the window and taking it from the bird, after which it turned up in smoke leaving the family alone, Naruto opened the scroll and skimmed through the writing in it.

"It seems I have a mission, Ka-san do you mind watching over my team for a while?"-he asked his tone serious.

"I can, what's the mission?"-Naruto shook his head and turned the parchment towards the rest of the family, and it showed a symbol every Shinobi learned while in the academy. A big red 'S' showed on the paper, reviling Naruto had just been summoned to an S-ranked mission.

He sighed and walked towards the basement of the house, opening a small scroll with a familiar green armour, he put it on and prepared to Shunshin away when he arrived at his front door, but was stopped by someone hugging his waist.

Looking down, he saw the red hair of Momo, as she looked up with slightly teary eyes. "B-Be careful Tou-san!"-her voice breaking told Naruto all that he needed to know.

Lowering himself down and pulling her into a hug as he promised he would. He hugged Temari and gave her a passionate kiss, hugging his mother and thanking her again he made way to the Hokage's office.

Arriving he immediately took notice of the serious attitude and sensed no ANBU nearby, leaving him alone with Itachi.

"Naruto Senju, I have called you here for a mission of the up most importance."-he paused to gauge the blonde's reaction, seeing his face expressionless pleased him.-"We have heard that the leader of the rebellious forces will be moving here to request some help, however a spy within the army of the Mizukage learned of this information and they plan to use her time away to crush her forces who are settled in a small village in the border of the country."

"Your job is to stop that happening, I heard your earth style is perfect for stalling and that's what you will do, understood?"-his response was a serious "Yes sir!"-"Dismissed."- A flash away was all he saw.

Ok new chapter preparing for my first original arc, hope you enjoy. The next chapter should cover the time Naruto will spend in Kiri.

Tell me what you though and any idea you might have for the 'Kiri Arc'.


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