Chapter 13

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Hiruzen was not having a fun time, why couldn't these exams be normal, first Orochimaru puts his Curse seal on the last Uchiha, then he pretends to be the Kazekage and to top it all off he's now inside a barrier with Kushina, preparing to fight some of the greatest of the village, including the brothers, and Orochimaru, he sighed heavily.

Hiruzen and Kushina were now facing Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Mito Uzumaki Senju and a blonde women with blue eyes that reminded them of another Senju that as one of the more difficult tasks to complete. At least the face that Orochimaru will make will be fun. He was put off his musings by the voices of his teacher's.

"Saru is that you?"-questioned Hashirama.

"You've gotten old monkey!"-Tobirama said bluntly.

"Tobi-kun don't be unpolite!"-The blonde haired women replied.

Hiruzen could have sworn the Nindaime just got whiplash from how fast he turned his head to the women.

"Tobi-kun!"-exclaimed Hashirama between heartly laughs, Mito was besides him giggling.

"Yata-hime is that you?"-replied the white haired Senju.

"Of course silly, but can someone explain what's going on here?"

"You have been revived by my wayward student, who is attacking the village, fortunately we have a plan of counter attack."-replied Hiruzen.

It was at this point that the reanimated Kage and respectfully wife's turned towards the other two in the roof.

"Kushi-chan is that you?"-asked Mito.

"Of course Mito-oba-chan."-she puffed her chest proudly.

"Enought talking go destroy them."-ordered Orochimaru making them go stiff.

"Get ready Kushina!"


The brothers went after Hiruzen who engaged them in taijutsu, after dodging under a double punch combo from Hashirama, the Sandaime jumped back to avoid the water that came crashing down onto him.

Hiruzen pulled 2 notes from the pouch on his back and dove towards the Nindaime, dodging under a kick he slapped the tag under his armor on his leg.
He was swiftly kicked away from his predecessor by a block of wood that came quickly towards him.

Making half a ram seal he flared his chakra activating the tag that he placed on his predecessor.

Tobirama felt his body go stiff he couldn't move, not even lift a finger, he though he would be getting used by the brat that had summoned him but the chakra he felt was familiar, it was the monkeys chakra. He felt the control of his body coming back to him, his personality back as well.

Breaking the chakra flow Hiruzen watched as his Sensei stretched and worked the kinks out of his body, he then smirked, the same one when he just put together a new tortu-training regime for his students.

Orochimaru felt his power leaving him, he had lost control of one of his summons he realized, that wasn't good. But for now he needed to see what the old man did.

"Good Job Saru! I'm back to myself."-The white haired Kage spoke with much more life then earlier.

"Good to know Sensei. Now let's clean our garden, there's a poisonous snake that wants to hurt my children."

With greater speed then before the Nindaime ran to his older brother capturing him and binding him onto the floor. Hiruzen was next as he slapped another tag right onto Hashirama's chest before proceeding the same as he did with the younger Senju brother.

"Good as new!"-exclaimed Hashirama.

"Let's finish this!"-Tobirama's tone was blunt like it always has been.

Orochimaru watched in terror as his other summons fell to whatever that senile old man did, he had lost again to this wretched village.

"Let's get out of here!"-He ordered to the four that were holding the barrier.

Yes Orochimaru-sama!"-they responded and lowered the barrier, they jumped to their leader and were gone thanks to Orochimaru's reverse summoning technique.

The 6 high ranking Shinobi were there regrouping before knowing what to do, Mito was by Hashirama's side taking happily with Hiruzen and Kushina was going through something difficult.

"Who are you Uzumaki?"-question Tobirama.

"My name his Kushina Uzumaki... Namikaze.-she said.

"Your a Namikaze?"-asked the blonde with interest.

"Yeah you see...-she scratched her cheek in embarrassment-" I'm Minato's wife."

"Your our baby boys wife, your so cute! He was lucky! So any ba..."-The older Namikaze spoke, before she was interrupted by a cry of "Let us go you stupid toad!"

"Girls what's wrong?"-she didn't want to laugh but the sight of her daughter's being lifted off the ground by a toad was something else.

"Who are you?"-question Hashirama as he saw the new comers, but unlike Kushina had no qualms in not laughing at the scene.

The toad retracted his tongue and set the girls down who landed in a THUD.

"You must be Boss man's mom, good to met'cha the name's Gamimichi, I'm the first toad Naruto summoned."-The toad introduced himself before jumping into Kushina's shoulder.

"Why did you bring them here?"-questioned Hiruzen.

"Boss man, said he was going into a big fight and might not come back so he wanted to bring them to safety and make sure their fine. He also said something else.... What is it?"-He questioned himself before perking up, making everyone present sweat drop-" he said that you need to make sure Temari from Suna is not killed, yep that was it!"

The males in the roof found it weird for a Shinobi to want to spare his enemy in the situation at hand, however the women had an idea but at the moment they were to busy having flashback of their respective partners saying something amongst the same lines before going to their last battle.

Coming out of her trance like state they grabbed the Hokages and with the famous hair in the hair and sweet smile combo by the collar.

"You Senju boys have something wrong with you, going alone to save everyone, it must run in the family."-Said Mito as Hashirama was sweating profusely.

"You better go and do something Tobi-kun or else...."-The blonde let the threat hang as she looked at Tobirama who was in a similar state to his Big brother.

"What did you send him to do?"-asked Kushina as she made Hiruzen tremble in fear, and looking around he saw the waiting faces of all the girls.

"Out with it Saru, let's go save the boy!"-Said Hashirama with urgency.

"He's fighting the Jinchuriki of the Sand, Garaa."-He explained.

"You sent my son to fight him, he's as unstable as they get!"-Kushina was seething now leeking an incredible amount of killing intent.

"You see Kushi-"- he was unable to finish as a screech tour through the village.

"I'm finally free, and I already see someone to kill, come here blondie!"-The Sand Spirit Shukaku yelled on the outside of the village before he became enveloped by a red barrier.

" You were saying?"-Kushina let go of the aged Kage.

"Let's go help Naruto!"- he exclaimed.

"You think? You senile old man!"-Yata exclaimed.

"Let's just go and help Nii-san!- exclaimed Mito getting the attention of everyone.

"Hai!"-and with that they were off to the barrier that held Shukaku.

The Wood FoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora