Chapter 18

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Temari excused herself from the Inn, she and her brothers were staying at, she moved gracefully through the village's streets, most civilians who saw her whispered behind her back, but she paid them no mind.

Arriving in the hospital, she found the busty blonde medic reading through medical files.

"Hello, Tsunade-sama m-may I request Naruto's room?"- the Shannon looked her up and down and smile sadly.

"He's at room 9 at the second floor."

"Thank you!"-Temari made her way swiftly towards the stairs that led to the aforementioned floor.

She arrived at the door and entered not making a noise, inside she found, the blonde boy laying down his body covered in bandages, by his bed side were Mito and Natsumi who were holding his hand tightly, no doubt praying that he would wake up soon.

Mito noticed her quickly and turned to her murder in her eyes.

"What do you want?"-she demanded.

"I'm here to see him, he's important to my family."-she explained.

"Humph fine!"-she put her hands on her chest and turned away.

Temari got to the other side of the bed. Sitting on a chair she held his other hand and squeezed it gently, she closed her eyes praying he would wake up.

Later in the evening Naruto's sisters had fallen asleep in her chairs but never dropped his hands. Temari decided that maybe praying again would help.

Naruto woke up slowly, he tried to use one of his hands to move but he couldn't, he calmly looked to his right and found the beautiful face of Temari with her eyes closed and he smiled softly.

Turning to the other side he found his sisters holding his hand while leaning on eachother sleeping.

Whispering softly to Temari so that he did not wake up his sisters.

"Can I have my hand back?"

She blushed and quickly gasped realising his hand, she quickly regained her wits and hugged him tightly, him using his available arm to wrap around him.

"I was so worried, I t-thought I lost you I felt so lost."-she cried softly near his ear.

"Don't worry I'll be harder to kill then that, I'll also always come back to you alive!"-he patted  her back.

"Thank you"-she pulled back from him her arms resting around his neck. With a look at those beautiful azure orbs she fell in love with she moved forward and kissed him softly and gently, but with burning passion.

Naruto quickly returned the action with the same amount of love. He at that moment felt something he always desired, he felt love.

A cough broke through the room and stopped the young ninja from continuing their actions, Naruto slowly turned towards the door and saw an amused Kushina, looking at them with a raised eyebrow.

"At least ask your sisters to leave before you start giving me grandchildren."-Naruto and Temari grew red from embarrassment.

"I-I have to go now! See you later Naruto!"-Temari said and ran out of the door quickly face still red.

"See ya."-Naruto said but she was already gone.

After the whole ordeal his sisters woke up and seeing their brother talking and going about, they began to bombard him with questions about his health.

He answered them all and made to leave the bed, but was stopped by Kushina's hand in his chest.

"You. Stay. Still."-she drew slowly.

"Yes ma'am."

"Now tell me what you want."-the eldest Uzumaki said.

"I need to go deliver my report."-he said.

"Ok. Give me 5 minutes."-with that she went away in a water vortex.

With that the siblings began to chat away and none were surprised by a surprise visit from Ino who hugged Naruto tightly before wrapping her arm around his and began to 'take care' of him.

Taking attention off the blonde fan girl Kushina appeared in the room with Itachi Uchiha and Hiruzen Sarutobi decked out in Hokage robes.

"Good to see you are awake my boy."-the Sandaime began.

Naruto drew a breath and from his bed bowed at the waist.

"I apologize for failing to bring back your brother Uchiha-sama."

"Raise your head Naruto-kun, you have been forgiven."

"Now Naruto-kun I believe it's time for your report."

"Yes."- and like such Naruto began to tell the occupants of the room about the mission ending on the part where Sasuke stabbed him with the Chidori.

"Thank you Naruto. Now, even thought you failed your mission I have a gift for you."

"What is it Hokage-Jiji?"

"I decided to give merit where merit is due, or do think you can't take on the mantle of a Jonnin."-The Sarutobi said with a barely hid chuckle, taking out a scroll from his robes he unsealed it showing a Jonnin outfit.

"Thank you Hokage-Jiji."-he said with a grin.

"We will be taking our leave now. Enjoy your vacation."

"Congratulations Naru-chan"-Kushina said happily.

"Thanks Ka-chan!"

"Well we'll be giving you more time to rest I'll see you soon."-she said before taking off with the girls, leaving Naruto alone in his room.

Naruto looked around and seeing noone jumped out of bed and started celebrating happily about his promotion, before going to the bed where he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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