Chapter 11

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Naruto spent the night destroying clones in a random training ground, in waves of 500 they came and 1 hour later they were gone.

This new batch stood in from of him at the ready, his anger finally convincing him to use that Jutsu.

He threw a single kunai that was wrapped around with a seal that had 7 Kanji, they read: In Heaven there's wisdom, in Earth strength.

"Ninpo: Kunai Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Ninja art: Kunai Shadow Clone Technique)."- he called out.
The one became hundreds and flew to the clones, embedding themselves in the ground, the clones stood no chance as he began to fly through them like a hot knife through butter, only leaving behind a deep blue flash that resembled his own chakra in colour.

In a mere 10 seconds he stood on the clean battleground. He sighed heavily.

"You shouldn't go again, you'll end up in a rough shape, and no mother should watch her son hurt."-The soft voice of Kushina echoed throughout the clearing.

"I don't want to think, I-I'm just so angry. And I can't help it."-He answered, turning ever so slowly to meet her form.

"Come here and talk to your Ka-chan. I'll take your worries away the best I can."

Naruto had at first felt betrayed by his mother for leaving him to fend off against the wolves, while she and his sister's lived lavish lifes. But having forgiven her a long time ago, he moved towards her and grabbed her with all his strength as if she was a life line.

Kushina had witnessed for a while what her eldest son had been doing, and when she saw him use that Jutsu, she felt proud of how far her baby had come. But when she looked upon his eyes she saw anger and sadness. Watching him come to her embrace she held him as his legs gave out and they came onto the floor. Giving him the love only a mother can she listened as he told him what troubles him, even the incedent with Temari.

"You have gotten yourself in a pickle young man, but I have just the advice you need."

"What is it?"-He asked as he looked up to her, his eyes threatening to burst out with tears.

"Follow your heart, and if you can't bring yourself to kill her then, don't no one will judge, I certainly will not, now whipe those tears and go finish that counter to the Edo Tensei, Kami knows Hiruzen needs it."-she finished with a smile.

"Thanks Ka-chan, I needed that, you should also tell Mito and Natsumi, the truth about that night I can feel that they won't judge you."

"I think I will."-she replied.

As they let go Naruto went off towards his home determination burning in his eyes, he would protect the Hokage and would in his way play a counter strategy, towards Orochimaru if he used it.

Reaching his house he sat at his Kitchen table, scroll open to design his masterpiece.


Kushina walked inside her home finding her daughter's still awake, if the light giggles and the light emitting from the living room was anything to go by, she prepared herself for what she was about to do.

Opening the sliding door she came upon them drinking tea and gossiping about boys.

Noticing their mom there, they turned to her to find her tense, wondering what was going on they posed their questions.

"Ka-chan you ok?"

"What's wrong?"

"Girls, it's time I told you what really happen on your birthday. Please save your questions to the end ok?"-seeing them nod she began her tale.

She told all that happen that night, from the begging, the failed sealing, her survival, and finally their brother. She finished her story not since she said his name.

"We have a Nii-san?"-Mito asked between sobs.

"Yes and he's closer then you think."-she said.

"Who is he?- asked Natsumi no better then her sister.

"It's Naruto, that's the reason he doesn't give his last name."

"Naruto? The same that fought Zabuza? The same that has worked with us so many times?-to answer her daughter, Kushina nodded.

"He will announce himself at the Chunin Exams finals, so let's wait for your big brother to come home, what do you say?-a small smile tugging at their lips.

"Yatta! I can't wait for Naruto-nii-chan to come over!"-Natsumi cheered.

"Yes! Now off to bed we need to be rested for tomorrow ne?"

"Yes Ka-chan!"- they chorused.

They went to bed with smiles on their face thinking about our favourite blonde. Who unlike them was ripping his hair out of his head as he worked on that damned seal, falling asleep at an ungodly hour but happy seeing as he finished his work.



Ok new chapter a short one but an important one nontheless.

Hope you enjoyed.

Last chapter I used a part belonging to another fic, which I really enjoy. I'm terribly sorry for that but I was completely out and I was going to write a similar scene anyways. I hope you enjoyed and I won't be doing that again, I felt terrible and can't do it again. Hope you forgive me.

I love you all. Stay safe and Happy.


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