Chapter Twenty One: Climax of that idiot

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I swear I am trying to hurry this as much as I can, but to fit everything I want in this I have to extend it a little bit.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy


"The hell is wrong with you Luther?" Five says with a growl, glaring hard at his brother "I just told you the world's gonna end in ten days"

Jazz music was still playing loud around him, and everything was starting to annoy Five, the music ringing way too loud in his ears as he chased after his gigantic brother, stopping him once again by pulling his arm.

"Well, you are always saying that" Luther tries to walk away after his reply, and Five pulls him back "And so far, I've been right"

"Look, you want to save the world? Knock yourself out. I already got a job"

"Wait, you work in this shithole?" Five asks with a frown "Yeah, my boss owns the place. I'm his body man"

As if that explains anything, Five thinks. "What 's that? Like a masseuse or something?"

"You can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr. Ruby"

"Wait, Ruby?" Five says, with a wide stare "The Jack Ruby, the gangster who shot Oswald?"

"The one and only" Luther replies rather proudly turning his eyes to look at his boss "Well, it finally happened. That gorilla DNA has taken over your mind"

"Hey, watch it, all right? Jack's a good friend"

"And you are Number One, remember? Nùmero Uno"

"There is no Number One" Luther replies shaking his head "Not in 1963, look, I've been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?"

"I get it all right?" Five looks away in annoyance for a second, then his hard gaze fall on his brother again "You watched Pogo die, the world exploded and I marooned your big dumb ass in time, I'm sorry, okay?"

Luther stares at Five with an unsure look, Five sighs "But I'm asking for you help Luther, the umbrella academy need you" Luther scoff softly, his look is almost pitiful "It doesn't need me, it never did" Luther's eyes are sad, and Five can clearly see how everything affected him, he hopes the others aren't as fucked up too.

Autumn, the blonde waitress interrupts them and Luther starts walking swiftly away, ready to take care of the problem "Wait, Luther" Five calls out and Luther turns back once again, slightly frustrated.

"You're the genius who said we should jump. Right? You are the one who got us stuck here and brought Vanya. So if there's a doomsday coming, she's probably the cause, and if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you"

Five looks away, and he sadly looks back at his brother as Luther walks away. Five sits down at the bar with a sigh, holding his drink while looking at Luther and some drunk interact "Dad should've left him on the moon" Five says with a disapproving look and decides to stand up. The sound of cloth tearing stops him and he looks down his uniform jacket and pulls out a small yellow box.



Five reads carefully the date and words scribbled on the back of the box and remembers Hazel placed it there before he died. He quickly runs out of the club towards Elliot's home office.

Five stares at the pictures pasted on the walls, and asks Elliot if he printed them, noticing there wasn't a darkroom anywhere.

"I converted the hallway closet" Elliot explains while eating his cereal, Five scratches the date writing at the back of the box "Can you develop this?" Five asks and Elliot grabs the box, inspecting it briefly with a mouthful of cereal and reads it aloud, "Friend of yours?" Elliot asks looking back at Five.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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