Chapter Seven: Hazy Nightmares

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The doctor instructed to rest for a few days, the punches she received were hard and she had a few injuries in her body, including a broken wrist.

Classes were cancelled for the rest of the week too until things were calm again.

So now she was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. It was early, her parents had already left for work and her brother was playing video games in his room.

She sighed, she hated the stupid cast, she couldn't even shower properly with that thing.

Her face was a mess, purple bruises and stitches. Her whole body ached so much she couldn't even turn around.

She looked at the clock, 8:30 she groaned loudly. She decided to try and sleep because at night she barely slept because of the pain.

She tried to relax her muscles and closed her eyes, successfully falling asleep.

It was dark.

She could hear rain falling in the distance but could not feel the water. She tried to look around and noticed she was lying on the street, rain falling heavily on her head.

A car was burning next to her.

She stood up, a weird feeling flowing through her veins.

"Hello?" She screamed, no answer.

"Y/N" It was Five

She turned around, relief washing over her. "Five, thank god, where are we?"

She tried to reach him, but he turned around and started running "Five!" She screamed and ran behind him, he vanished

Fear started to run through her body and suddenly she tripped, looking around she found out she was at the city, but everything was destroyed.

She looked down and saw a hand under the debris, walking towards it she saw her brother laying dead.

She ran towards Five's house.

"Five!" She called.

"Five! Answer me! Where are you?" She was looking everywhere, trying to move the rocks on the floor.

"Y/N" a voice called and as she turned around...

"Y/N, wake up!" her eyes shot open and she gasped for air, her good arm touching her face noticing she was crying. She looked around, her gaze falling into Five's worried eyes.


"You were having a nightmare" he said

She relaxed and closed her eyes, sighing in relief.

"I brought you this" he gave her a paper bag with a doughnut inside, her favorite.

She smiled and thanked him "Coffee too" he handed it to her.

"I'm really sorry, you are like this because of me" he brushed his finger against a bruise on her cheek and she flinched.

"It wasn't your fault, no one knew something like that would happen" she softly said smiling.

"Now come and lay next to me" she moved a little, groaning in pain.

He took his shoes off and laid next to her wrapping his hand around her and placing his face on her neck as you ate your doughnut.

"Do you want to listen to some music?" She said, her voice muffled thanks to the doughnut on her mouth.

Five nodded and she moved her body so she could stand up, immediately regretting that decision because pain shot through her like a bullet. She winced and closed her eyes. Five worriedly and quickly stood up and pushed her softly back to bed.

"I'll do it"

"Do you know how?" She asked.

He nodded, proud of himself "I may have asked my brother Luther to teach me"

His back was facing her so he missed her teasing grin as she answered "Aw, you learnt because of me?"

He looked at her, blushing madly "Of course not! It was only because I wanted to"

"You are not as tough as you think you are you know? Deep down you are just a clingy softie"

"Shut up" he said and she laughed. The Carpenters started playing and Five made his way back towards her bed.

He laid down next to her and spooned her, she smiled and closed her eyes relaxing in his arms.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He whispered

"About what?"

"Your dream"

"Yeah" she answered but as she tried to think about it you couldn't remember anything.

"How weird, a few minutes ago I could remember perfectly what my dream was but now my mind is completely blank"

"That's weird" he said "But it's better that way don't you think?"

"I guess" she answered.

"Why don't we take a short nap? You look like you need it" she said.

"How can you be worried about me? You're the one that's got a cast"

"I can't help it you know? I just love you so much" she answered, her eyelids feeling heavier every second.

"I love you too" Five felt her completely relax and as he heard her slow breathing, he closed his eyes and decided to nap too.

She woke up to an empty room hours later, looking around just to make sure she didn't imagined Five's visit.

Looking next to her, she found a note on her nightstand. She picked it up and read it.

Sorry I had to leave early, the world needed me. I'll visit you as soon as I can.

She smiled, placing the note inside the drawer.

Her parents arrive ten minutes later, both with exhausted faces but bright smiles as they saw her on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Her mother asked

"Better now" Her voice was raspy.

"I guessed we could have dinner together in your room so you don't stand up, I know you are still in a lot of pain" her father said and she nodded, tears blurring her vision.

In a second, she was crying, not really knowing why.

Her mother hugged her carefully and she sobbed into her shoulder.

"It's okay Y/N, you're okay" her whispers were soothing and she tried to calm down a little.

Her dad and her brother brought diner and some chairs.

She ate dinner in peace, smiling at the story her brother was telling.

He only had a few cuts and a black eye, luckily, the guys only punched him but didn't took him as a hostage.

She smiled relieved and happy that her whole family was together.

After dinner, her mother decided to sleep with her, in case you needed anything.

She told her it wasn't necessary, though somewhere deep inside told her that she was desperate for her to stay.

At the end, she ignored her and stayed.

She gladly accepted her embrace.

A Grasp of the Ordinary (Five x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now