Chapter Five: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome

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She's been working at Griddy's for a week now, it was going better than she planned.

It was Wednesday which meant special offer day so it would be pretty crowded.

Five had nothing better to do, there have been no missions and his siblings were starting to become a pain in the ass so e decided to sneak out again, not to see her, he had forgotten about her a little to be honest, but for food. He wanted a decent cup of coffee and maybe something to eat with it.

His obvious answer was Griddy's, he strolled through the streets whistling a tune he couldn't remember where he heard it.

Opening the door, the bell signaled his arrival and he sat down at a stool in front of the donuts display.

It wasn't as busy as she thought it'd be, but enough to keep her distracted while Five sat down.

From the corner of her eye you noticed someone sitting down and when she finished writing down the other of that costumer she quickly made her way towards the new costumer.

"Welcome, what can I get you today?" She asks.

"Can I have a- Y/N?"

Her waiter facade was stopped as she heard him say her name confused, she looks down at the costumer and to her surprise it was Five

"Oh! Hello Five, nice meeting you here"

"You work here now? Isn't that illegal?"

She chuckled.

"Agnes isn't paying me, I just get money from the tips" she shrugged her shoulders and smiles again


"I want to buy a new Walkman, the other one I had is broken thanks to the incident the other day"

Five felt a little guilty for that but simple answered with an nod

"Well, what can I get you?" She repeats

"Just coffee and a..." he looked at the doughnuts in display "Glazed doughnut too please"

"No problem"

Five watched as she quickly made her way behind the counter and prepares his and other costumer's order.

His thoughts came back to the day of your meeting. He remembered her sad eyes as she watched that stuff she had around her neck. It was a rectangular thing that seemed to produce music.

Neither he or his siblings knew what it was, his father never allowed new stuff or fun things, they'd just have normal toys, magazines and books and a record player with a few records that Reginald would occasionally give them if the mission was excellent or if someone earned it. Music was something that the 7 of them enjoyed so they agreed that each record was for everyone and the record player too.

He smiled softly as he remembered. They were all sitting in the library listening to a new record Reginald gave them. Their mother prepared them some cookies and chocolate (coffee for him). He couldn't remember the singer but he remembered the name of the song, it was 'I think we are alone now'

Luther has started dancing with Allison and Klaus joined them, then Diego and Ben and Vanya reluctantly did too. Five looked away from his book and at his siblings dancing to the beat, he joined them without a thought.

She watches Five smile softly as she writes down a new order. Quickly regretting saying it was a quiet evening, as soon as she finishes with a costumer a new one appeared.

Five also noticed this and decided it was better to leave, she wasn't going to talk to him soon and he had to get back, it was getting late he didn't wanted another punishment.

She watches Five leave as he left the money on the counter and turned to leave, calling his name he looks at her and she smiles and waves him goodbye, he did the same and space jumped to his house as soon as her attention was back to a new costumer.


Five found himself going to Griddy's everyday, more when he knew she'd be there. He hated to admit it, but e liked spending time with her.

She noticed this, and every time she knew he was coming she had his usual coffee ready for him. He would occasionally ask for a doughnut but it wasn't usual.

It was a quiet day and she was sitting next to him drinking and chatting with him about everything that came to her mind, not caring if he was annoyed at her stupid stories or comments, he seemed to enjoy her company as she talked.

"Do you want to go to my place today?"

Five wanted to decline but he agreed, completely surprising himself with the answer. She quickly took off her apron and waited for him to drink the last drop from his cup, and as he finished they walked together towards her house.

Five would never admit but her company was far more relaxing and enjoyable, she showed him new music and the way she seemed so relaxed and carefree let a side of him he did not know it existed out. He liked to listen to her singing softly and watching her smile as her favorite song started playing, which were a lot.

And as he laid next to her on the floor listening to music and talking about everything he knew it was the best decision he had made in a long time.

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