Chapter Seventeen: Things Start Getting out of Hand

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Hey everyone, sorry for leaving so long. The good news: I'm finally on my break so this will be continues! Here's a short chapter for you, there's another one coming sooner then you think! Also this chapter is short because the next one will get intense so it's like an intro to that.

Also, thanks again for your kind comments, they really mean a lot, hope everyone is doing amazing! Remember to stay safe.


A tender hand caresses his face and Five feels himself stir awake. The light blinds him for a few seconds before his sight settles. He looks around with a frown, his gaze falling into a smiling silhouette beside him.

"Thought you were dead for a second" her voice sounds like a million bells, it's so soft he smiles as he calls her name, almost unsure if she was really there... but it felt real and he felt content.

"I've missed you" he says, reaching out for her and pulling her down with him, she sighs and snuggles closer to his side. He can't see her face, but he somehow feels how remorsed and troubled she feels.

"I'm really sorry" she whispers and Five plays with her soft locks to comfort her. He stays silent, feeling there's no need for words.

"Will you ever be back?" he asks looking down at her, their eyes meet "You know that's impossible, Five, everything changed, not only us" he closes his eyes, fighting back tears "That doesn't mean we don't have any chances, we're both different but still the same deep down... you'll have to figure it out"

"I can't... I-" he exhales "I need you... I can't do this by myself, what do I have to do?"

She just gives him a closed eye smile "And you'll have me, just be patient"

"Y/N..." Five whispers opening his eyes slowly almost groaning when he notices the empty space beside him, he reaches out to touch the pillows to find it cold. He closes his eyes a few seconds repeating to himself that it was all a dream. He places his forearm over his eyes with a sigh. He lays there for a few more minutes, listening to the noise his brothers are making down the hall; and when there's silence, he stands.

He finds Luther and Klaus in the kitchen, eager for a cup of coffee he snatches Luther's away, ignoring the fact that he seems completely hungover. He sits beside him and takes a sip, scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Jesus, who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" He places the cup on the table and leans back.

"Can we get started?" Luther says, his voice low and heavy.

"Anyone seen any of the others? Diego? Allison? Y/N? No?" Klaus grabs a spatula and hits the table with it, making Luther cover his ears and close his eyes "All right, then, this is the closest thing to a quorum... that we're gonna get. Now, listening up, there's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna spit it out"

Five and Luther stare at Klaus with a frown, waiting for him to continue.

"I conjured Dad last night"

An obvious argument followed, Five and Luther not really believing what Klaus was saying until Pogo appeared and said that it was in fact true.

Five feels... to tell the truth, for the first time in ages his head felt messed up, he had no idea what to do or what he was feeling. He watches Luther and Pogo disappear and sigs, gripping his hair slightly.

"I gotta think" he teletransports away leaving Klaus by himself.


It took Five a while to come back to his senses, quickly rushing to Klaus' room to continue with the plan, maybe that way he could save her too, even if she didn't want to be saved.

He somehow managed to convince Klaus to save the world and as they walk out of Klaus' room they find Diego.

"Where have you been?" Five asks his brother with a quizzical look on his face "Jail" Diego replies "Long story. Where's Luther?"

"Haven't seen him since breakfast" Five replies.

"Yeah. Two days until the world ends, he picks a great time to drop off the grid" Klaus says.

"Shit" Diego exclaims "Allison is in danger"

The three brothers rush out no time, finding Luther sulking at a bar.

"Trying a little hair of the dog, are we? Hm?" Klaus asks as soon as he's sure Luther will hear him.

"Leave me alone" he replies, Diego sits down and looks at Five and Klaus "Give us a minute"

"Okay. Come on. Maybe they'll brood each other to death" Five and Klaus walk to a nearby table.

"Where's Y/N by the way?" Klaus asks "I don't know, I haven't seen her since last night"

Klaus groans "You should tell her"

"What do you mean?" Five plays dumb "You know, about everything, her old life, why she was sent her to kill you... your feelings"

Five slams his hand on the table "You know nothing, you hear me?" his hand shakes as he points at his brother "It's better this way" he clenches his teeth and Klaus brings up his hands in surrender "Fine! I'll keep my pretty mouth shut"

They turn their attention to Luther and Diego, listening carefully. As soon as Diego drops the bomb Luther stands and everyone follows behind him, almost running out the bar.


She's been listening to the same thing over and over again, not really processing the words coming from her own voice through the headset- Her hands are trembling and there's a turmoil of emotions completely overcoming her body.

She feels herself losing control with every passing second. She feels like she's going mad.

Why did he hide this from me?, swims over and over in her head, until she feels completely numb.


The car ride seems eternal and Luther is not helping with his constant bugging.

"Hey. Can you go any faster?" Luther asks again and Five fights against a groan "Ask me again, and I'll burn you with the cigarette lighter" he replies and Luther falls back against his seat.

Five was feeling worried too, and anxious, he could sense something was off, not only about Allison, but about Y/N too.

When he finally parks they all rush inside the house, only to find Allison bleeding out on the floor. Luther calls out for her voice desperate as he cries against her.

"Allison no! Please come back to me" he exclaims.

"We must get her back to the academy"

Luther swiftly carries her and they rush back to the car, now Five drives faster than ever.

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