Chapter Six: Things Go Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly Wrong)

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Hey guys! I really hope you are enjoying this story, Amy comments or recommendations are appreciated! If you want to you can listen to both of the songs mentioned in the chapter, I placed the link to the first one at the top, please look for the other.
Thanks for reading and enjoy!


As they grew older, their relationship grew too, he was her best friend and she liked to think he considered her his best friend too, which he possibly did, knowing he did not had any more friends even though both were already 18.

She hated to admit it, but she had fallen hard for the coffee obsessed smart ass that was a super hero and also her friend. The more she tried to ignore the feelings, the stronger they came back each time she spent time with him, which was almost everyday.

It was one of those evenings were the two  would lay on the floor, a record playing in the background and the both  would rant about how stupid and annoying people were.

The record was over and she stood up to put another, Five remained laying down and she smiled as she saw his angry stare

"And then I said 'Klaus you can't lick a battery, it won't grow your pubes' and you know, Klaus being the idiot he is and Diego saying shit like 'You are such a pussy if you don't do it' he did and it was horrible, it had to take care of him afterwards because his tongue felt like it was on fire"

She laughed

"I'd really like to meet Klaus someday" she looked at her collection of records trying to decide one "You don't know what you are saying"

"You are such a drama queen" he rolled his eyes but still smiled.

She finally found the one she's been searching for.

She smiled nervously and let a deep breath out, once the music started playing she went back to her place on the floor.

She talked with him about how she and her brother were finally able to pass a hard level on his Legend of Zelda game, she had an amazing relationship with her brother and she loved to talk to Five about it.

At one point of the conversation, they were looking at each other, faces closer then he usually allowed, completely immersed in the moment. The song 'You take my breath away' started playing and she sucked a breath noticing the closeness of their faces.

Her face turned scarlet red as she noticed his intense staring, she gulped and softly said "I think of you every time I listen to this song" it was so low, she thought he didn't heard, but he did, and as he listened closely to the lyrics his heartbeat increased and his mind starting racing, he wanted her just as much as she seemed to want him but as his thoughts traveled to the future, he knew it wouldn't work.

Then why was he leaning towards her?

Time seemed to stop as she noticed him leaning towards her, mind in blank and vision concentrated on Five's face, how his eyes glowed under the light of her room and how his lips seemed so inviting.

"I'm sorry" she opened her eyes when she heard this, Five stood up and she followed suit

"Wait Five" She said, tears blocking her view

"I can't, Y/N I-" love you, that's what he wanted to say but couldn't. He stood up and watched as tears ran down her face

"We can say this didn't happened, we can even start over, just please don't go Five"

"I'm really sorry" and with one last sad look he was gone

"Shit" She said letting the tears run freely down her face.

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