Chapter Fifteen: What A Young Girl Should Have (Probably) Known

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I deeply apologize for the huge delay! School has been taking most of time but I promise I'll try to update as much as I can. To make up for it, here's an incredibly long chapter. Hope you enjoy!


"You know... " Luther starts, the sun is slowly setting behind them as they pass through the streets, she drives fast, concerned for Diego's wellbeing. She glances briefly at Luther on the copilot's seat and looks ahead "I really wasn't going to kill you"

"You tried to kill her!?" Diego exclaims from the backseat and then groans in pain at his sudden outburst, she glances at him from the rear view mirror with worry.

"It's fine, I guess I kinda understand" she answers, more focused on arriving at the mansion than on Luther's worry.

"We're good then?" he says, with a raised brow, she nods. Luther relaxes in his seat now that he's certain she won't stab him in the back and looks ahead, the city already peering through the soft color from the sky.

They arrive in no time, she parks the car inside the garage and quickly unbuckles her seatbelt, running to help Diego out of the car. Klaus and her walk him inside the mansion while Luther explains everything to Pogo; Grace leads them to the infirmary and tells them to leave him there.

"He'll be good in no time" she says with a smile, slowly Klaus and Y/N walk out of the room and to the living room.

"What even happened to Five?" Asks Klaus, she groans "It seems  it's still a sensitive topic, why don't we sleep it off?" He offers with a slight smirk. She suddenly feels the weight of the day gain on her, she slumps her shoulders and Klaus leads her upstairs with his hand on her back, he was talking, but she was so tired she wasn't processing anything he was saying.

"You should stay at Five's old room, Diego will probably use his" he says and continues to lead her towards it even though she already knew where it was.

Once they arrive he opens the door for her and she steps inside "Nighty night!" He says in a sing-song voice and closes the door. She stares at the numbers scribbled on the wall for a few seconds and finds Delores sitting where they left her. She glares at her and proceeds to move her head away.

Then walks to Five's old wardrobe and looks for a pair of pajamas; luckily he had plenty of them, she pulls one of them out and changes, folding her suit neatly on a chair next to Delores.

She lays down, covering her body with the sheets; the bed smells like him and as she closes her eyes she can't help but feel she's slept there before. She breathes in his scent and falls into a peaceful slumber.

There's light breathing hitting her neck and she feels herself smiling while slowly opening her eyes. Adjusting to the light in the room she finally makes out a pair of blue eyes that almost glow green but the light is too blinding and she can't see who's beside her but she faintly sees their lips moving though she can't hear a thing she feels happy and content.

She closes her eyes, savoring the moment. She opens them again but she still can't see; she feels grass beneath her and the sun warming her skin while music plays softly in the background. She feels a hand in hers and her eyes finally adjust to the bright sun above. She hears him calling her name, she slowly turns around...

"Wake up"

She sits up, opening her eyes, meeting Diego's chocolate eyes. She rubs her eyes, the dream but a distant memory; forgotten.

"What happened Diego? Are you okay?" She asks, worriedly scanning Diego.

"Yeah" he answers "I just came to tell you breakfast is ready" she pulls the covers aside and stretches her limbs carefully, she turns to Diego and he surprisingly hands her some blue slippers "You can come down like that"

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