"Help me, help me!" She grabbed onto his sleeve. Jeha looked at the four cameras in the room. He felt uncomfortable and needed to get away.

"Save me." He tried to pry her off of him. "Please save me, please, please!" She fell at his feet begging him to help her. He simply stepped away and was going to turn the corner.

One of the guards came into her vision and she ran down the stairs. Jeha felt that this situation was none of his business and walked past the Spanish man. When he passed him, the guard winked at him looking directly in his eyes.

Avianna knew very well who was after her. It was Ricardo. This wasn't her first time running away. It was like every time she tried to escape they always found her and brought her back.

In desperation, she hid behind these tall pale blue columns near the train. Ricardo walked slowly trying to hear for breathing and footsteps. She held her breath and walked around the column when he kept getting closer.

He lifted his eyebrow when he fully saw her "Miss!" His voice scared her because of his echo.

"This little hide and seek game is over. Let me get you back home now."


"You're starting to irritate me now!"Avianna tried to make a run for it and he grabbed her by the waist. She elbowed him in the face and got out of his grip. Very quickly he got a hold of her again.

"Let me go!!! Let me go!" She became erratic, screaming and crying to get out of his grip.

Jeha put his hand on the guards shoulder stopping him. "Go." He motioned with his head. "Run now and don't look back."

"Thank you." She was grateful for this stranger. She made her way to the exit without a second thought.

Ricardo twisted his shoulder and yanked Jeha's hand off of him. Trying to throw a punch Jeha caught it. They both blocked each other's attacks. He hit the guard in the throat and threw a 360 kick that got blocked.

Both men faced off challenging each other. When the guard reached into his jacket. Jeha jumped on a bench and grabbed the end kicking him in the chest. Throwing punches at each other blocking all hits. He punched him in the gut leaving Ricardo disoriented.

Ricardo didn't think that this random man would be so hard to beat. It was like everything he did it got blocked or dodged. Jeha got a few hits landed on him to where he fell into the tracks.

The guard dashed to try and get Avianna

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The guard dashed to try and get Avianna. The station was very big and she didn't get that far because of the blisters on her feet. It stung every time her feet hit the tile.

The Ricardo got tackled so Jeha could by her some more time. He wished that she would run faster, but he could tell she had been running for a while. To be honest he felt bad for her.

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