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Before Suhad arrived...

Just as Jannah's sister angrily stomped out of the room whilst muttering inappropriate words under her breath, she stopped in her tracks at the sight of Suhad waking towards the room.

What's he doing here? She wondered knowing that when she came up, he and Prince were waiting downstairs where Daihaah was with them.

Daihaah...the bitch must've called him up!

When her eyes met his cold ones, she hissed and looked away. With her head raised up high, she gulped slowly and then she attempted to side step him and walks away.

Keyword; attempted.

The words that came out of his mouth made her stop in her tracks, "I'd let it slip this one time as stupidity" he said, his tone matching the look on his face.

She stopped in her tracks, turning her head to look at him she scoffed at his audacity, "Excuse me?"

"What you just did back there" he pointed at the room he just came out of, "I won't be so nice the next time that happens" he tilted his head to the side just enough to give her a side view of her face, vice versa.

She looked away as she chuckled humorlessly. She then retreats her steps and stood in front of him, her eyes narrowed "Just who do you and Prince think you are?" her voice came out low but anyone can detect the venom in it, " Mrs. Sameer told me of her encounter with Daihaah, are you going to try the same nonsense Prince did with me?" She scoffed and continued not giving him the opportunity to talk, "Prince thinks he's all bad, you think the same too huh?"

On normal occasions, the corner of his lips would've tilted into a smirk but not today. He didn't plan on letting this woman disrespect him just anyhow, "Trust me..." he spoke lowly, "You'd rather deal with Aamir than to deal with me. A least he is more forgiving"

"What are you going to do to me?" she challenged as she glared at him.

Suhad finally let the corner of his lip tilt up, almost unnoticeable but she saw it and for some reason, it didn't scare her that much, "Nothing" he simply replied taking her off guard. She expected him to threatened her or say something that was supposed to make her scared but he didn't.

Suhad knew the consequence of what he just said. Sure, what he said at the beginning was true. She's rather deal with prince than to deal with him, even Aamir can testify to that. However, neither unlike Aamir he doesn't outright threaten people nor do something to them. He gives a warning, and f the person oversteps his or her boundaries by doing something that anger her a lot, that is when he steps in.

Jannah means a lot to him there's no doubt regarding that.

However, he knew the girl. Despite all these, she still cares about her sister. So much that she might push Suhad away if he does anything to her.

Sounds stupid right? After everything she did to her. But it is anything but stupid.

It's much easier to judge a person when you're not in the person's shoes. Same thing applies here.

"You're a pathetic excuse of a man" Said her elder sister as she gave Suhad a once over. Her eyes disrespectfully narrowed at him up and down.

Suhad scoffed slightly, "That's where you're wrong. I said I will do nothing to you now but if I were you, I'd stay away from anything relating to me. Trust me, it won't end so well"

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