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She bit her lower lip shutting her eyes close muttering a few inappropriate words under her breath before looking up and their eyes met. She offered him a small smile, "Suhad" she acknowledged.

"How are you? How have you been?" he asked trying not to sound like he really cares but deep down he knows he did, a small smile on his face.

"I've been better"

"You look...different. You look good" he complimented trying to start a conversation with her.

She bit the inside of her cheeks, "I didn't know I looked bad before" Just being close to him brings back all those memories, the ones she so desperately wants to forget but couldn't.

He was taken aback by her answer; he quickly shook his head, "That wasn't what I meant"

"Sure" she said sarcastically turning to look at him.

He sighed not really knowing what to say to her at the moment. She is making everything so hard for him. "Jannah it's been a year already why are you still like this? The least we can do is to try to have a civil conversation without arguing" he finally said, hoping he won't offend her by sounding a little bit angry.

She set her lips into a straight line, "I don't want to talk about the past Suhad"

"I'm not trying to. I'm just being polite"

"How about you be so polite to shut up" she raised her voice at the end slightly.

His hands briefly clench before his fingers repeatedly tap the counter, "Ok now you're just being rude" he said looking away.

She opened her mouth to say something but then decided against it. She honestly didn't know what to feel anymore; the emotion she's feeling at the moment is overwhelming.

Irritation, sadness, and mostly anxiety. It was nothing she wasn't used to by now.

Thankfully the baker came out interrupting their bickering. Jannah was thankful for the interruption because she didn't know for how long she could stand his presence without breaking down.

The woman held the packaged cake in her hands, her face morphed into that of surprise when she saw Suhad.

"Suhad, what are you doing here?" She asked. She had always known him. He usually goes to her bakery whenever he's here with his siblings, and sometimes with Prince.

He smiled contrary to his actions seconds ago, "Aamir asked me to pick up the cake Daihaah ordered"

"Oh" the woman looked at Jannah then him, "I thought Jannah was picking it up" she said looking at the girl for confirmation but her attention wasn't on them. She was just staring into empty space lost in her own thoughts, "Jannah?" she spoke a little louder. This made Jannah snap out of whatever trance she was in.

"What?" she asked her voice low.

"Which amongst the two of you will pick it up?" the woman asked again making Jannah look at him briefly.

She exhaled, "He can take it" she said in a monotonous tone.

The woman nodded handing the package to Suhad whom took it from her with a thank you. Jannah bid the woman goodbye and walked out her hands clutching her bag tightly hoping to get away from everyone. However, Suhad noticed this odd behavior of hers. He said his goodbyes to the woman before following her outside.

Once he was out of the bakery, he spotted her a few feet away from where he stood walking to where her car was. He contemplated on just leaving her to walk away or talking to her. He honestly does wanted to just let her be but there's something he has to tell her. So, he followed her hastily and only stopped when he was in front of her blocking her way.

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