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Bilkisu took off the earrings left of what she had on for the nikah. She used a face wipe to clean off the remnants of her makeup. She glanced at herself in the mirror and sighed before she stood up and walked to where her bed is. Fixing the maroon turtleneck top, she had on tucked into a high waist grey denim, she picked up the grey knee length jacket that lay on it and shrugged it in. She then picked up her phone and her passport that laid beside the jacket earlier; the passport went into her pocket while she held the phone in her hand. She slipped into her maroon ankle boot before she walked out.

She used the backdoor where she knew no one will see her. She didn't want to deal with the stares she'd undoubtedly get because at the moment, it has been made known that the wedding is called off. Her friends and other people had tried to check up on her but she locked the door.

Immediately she stepped foot outside she put on her black shades and walked down the path, her boot clanking on the interlocks but thankfully, there were no people there to notice her. She then entered the car that her parents had waiting for her and sat down in the backseat.

She removed the shades as the driver drove the car down the parking lot with no words said. Her phone pinged, she swiped the screen and saw a message that made her look up and look outside. As the gateman opened the gate, her gaze fell on his car. She thought of just ignoring him but she couldn't. "Stop the car" she said to the driver once they were out of the house.


"I said stop the car!" she snapped making the man do as she said not wanting to irritate her more than she already is.

Once he parked the car by the road, she stepped out of the car with her shades in her hand. She swiveled her head to the direction of his car which is opposite theirs on the other side of the car. She fixed her turban cap that started to slip off before she crossed the road leaving the door for the driver to close. She didn't look to see who has his or her eyes on her as she opened the passenger seat of his car and got in, closing the door afterwards.

The first thing that greeted her is the cold air due to the air conditioner, that didn't disturb her though. The next thing is his cologne that she had always loved. She blinked as she leaned back on the seat refusing to lift her head and look at him knowing that his gaze is on her. She crossed her legs, "I'm here. What do you want to say?"

"You're running away?" he asked making her chuckle humorlessly.

"Well I am the bride that just called off her wedding. What do you expect me to do? Dance up and down or what?" she retorted before rolling her eyes.

He sighed, he knew she is angry at him. That is something he couldn't help, "About that...what you did for Jannah, it was nice of you"

"Who said I did it for her?" she asked lazily making him look at her with eyes filled with sadness. She turned her head to look at him for the first time since she entered his car, "I did it for you" she said, anger lacing her tone. Underneath it though is a layer of hurt and pain that showed in her eyes.

She waited for him to say something...anything.! But he didn't. All he did was stare at her. And that annoyed her.

She nodded as she darted her tongue out to wet her chapped lips, "I can't miss my flight for this" she said as she sat up. Just as she is about to open the door, he spoke up making her stop in her tracks.

"How much did you tell her?"

She didn't turn, "Just enough to help her whenever she felt like finding the truth out. I told her half of what I found out"

He sighed as he used his thumbs to massage his temples, "You shouldn't have done that Bilkisu. You only put her in more danger"

Her eyes sting with tears as her body shook with anger. How dare he say that? She swiveled her head to look at him with her eyes narrowed, "Danger? That's what you always say but you know what? I know what it feels like to be lied to and kept in secret and I'm sure Jannah will not love it one bit. How do you think she'll react when she found out what you hid from her?"

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