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"This is unacceptable!"

"Calm down Mamita--"

Swiveling around to glare at her daughter with the intense anger she's feeling, she pointed her finger at the girl, teeth clenched. "Billahil azeem Fatimah if you do not stop asking me to calm down zan bata miki rai!" She didn't get how the girl could say that to her.

Her son is there, lying on the bed because of his so called wife. Yet, the girl dares to ask her to calm down? She isn't even sure if her son will be alright. At the moment, only Allah knows his fate so how would she calm down.

Fatimah kept her lips sealed. She, in a way, understood how her mother felt. She had been dreading this since she found out about it yet it happened. Would she lose her brother? Will her Bhai leave her? Will she never see his eyes flicker open again and his lips curl into a smile as he teases her? Will he never get the chance to marry her off as he'd always wanted?

Those questions plagued her mind. And for a moment, she feared the worst.

Didi who sat one of the waiting chairs outside the emergency room exhaled loudly. "This is not the time to be angry. We just have to pray for Suhad's wellbeing" She said, raising her head to look at her co-wife.

For the first time since Mamita and Didi became co-wives, Mamita didn't reply to Malika's words with a comeback. As much as she hated it, she had to agree that the woman is right. They have to pray for Suhad's wellbeing because at the moment, that's all that matters.

So, she exhaled loudly and sat on the chair beside Didi, clenching her eyes as her lips curled open. She supplicated. She prayed to Allah that her son would be safe. She prayed to the point that she had tears streaming down her face.

Didi placed a hand on Mamita's shoulder. This made the woman look up slightly. "He'll survive this in shaa Allah. He'll be okay"

Mamita raised her head fully to stare at Didi. After a couple of seconds, she nodded, offering her a barely visible smile. "Jazakumullah Khair"

Didi, albeit, shocked by her co-wife's reaction and words, smiled back. It was the first time in her life that she and Sa'emah are having a conversation without throwing insults at each other. And she had to admit that it was...nice.

Mamita looked away, and continued to pray for her son's wellbeing.


"Doctor! How's my son" Mamita was quick to be on her feet the minute she spotted the doctor come out of the ER.

The doctor offered her, and the others a small smile. "Your son is stable now ranki dade"

Mamita nodded, sighing in relief.

"Can I speak to you in my office though? It's regarding his condition"

Mmaita nodded immediately, "Sure sure. Let's go" She allowed him to take the lead, while she followed quietly behind him along with Jakadiya who wanted to speak to the doctor first. She wants to make sure he won't say a thing to Mamita but she didn't get the chance to talk to him in private. That being said, she feared Mamita is about to find out the truth about her son's health.

"Please, sit, ranki dade" The doctor gestured to one of the chairs in his office once they were in there.

Mamita hastily sat, before the doctor did the same thing. On other occasions, she would've asked Jakadiya to sit too since the two are close but, she knows the woman will only get in her way.

"Ranki dade I have to be honest with you" The doctor started.

This made Mamita take in a sharp breath. She knows what he'll say but she fears she's not ready for it. The first time she heard about it, she felt as if her world would crash down.

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