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"What do you want to do?" Suhad asked Jannah the next day after their wedding. It was Saturday and since the two are married couples, even if it is a work day they don't have to go.

Jannah shrugged as she raised her head to look at him. She was lost in thoughts wondering what the content of her father's letter is. But, she was too scared to open it till now. "Stay in?" Was her curt reply, lowly.

Suhad looked at her as if she had grown two heads. He knew the doctor told him that she needed time off to get inner peace and whatnot but staying in with nothing to do will kill him. He knew the silence and lack of activity to do will only make Jannah's thoughts drift back to the activities of the past few days. "No way. Boredom will not kill someone's child" he stood up from the couch he was sitting and held his hand out for Jannah to take.

"What?" she asked as she eyed his hand.

Suhad sighed and shook his head at her criticism, he noticed she had been like that lately, "We're going out for a drive"

Jannah's eyes lit up at the thought of that. "Are you serious?"

Suhad nodded with a small grin on his face.

She had always loved cars and since it was only recently she had been allowed to start driving, she never missed out on every chance she gets to drive. She took his hand and jump off the couch, "Where are we going?"

"Wherever the car takes us"

She nodded as she made her way upstairs, "Let me change then" she said quickly not giving him a chance to reply. She went up to their room and walked straight to the walk in closet.

She quickly picked out a black top and denim and changed into it. She then quickly put on a Camel beige wrap coat that reached a few inches below her knee, followed by matching veil, which she tied into a turban and heels.

She contemplated on picking out a matte leather tote bag to complete the look but she reminded herself that this is just a drive, it's not like she's going to work, so she decided against it.

As she walked downstairs, she heard Suhad talking on the phone but she didn't pay that much attention to it. All she heard and understood was, "Fine Aamir, if it will make Daihaah calm down we'll come over later"

"Let me guess, Daihaah wants us to visit right?" she said gaining his attention as somehow he didn't realized that she came down.

He smiled as he nodded, but he couldn't hide the fact that his wife is really stunning, "Masha Allah" he muttered making her smile, "Sometimes I forget that I'm married to a fashion designer" he said as he made his way over to her and took her hand in his. He brought it up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on it before intertwining their fingers.

"An intern" she corrected as they made their way outside together.

"That is just a label but to me, you're already a top designer. The best I know" he complimented making her chuckle slightly and shakes her head.

The two walked to the garage in silence which was short lived when Jannah's gaze fell on his car. "Oh my God..." she watched the car in awe as if she couldn't believe her eyes, "That is not a Panamera is it?" she knows it is but she didn't believe her eyes.

He shook his head at her act and smiled, "It is"

She mouthed an 'oh my God' as she watched the sleek grey car with a grin on her face, she then quickly turned to look at him, "Can I drive" she looked at her husband with a cheeky smile on her face.

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