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I dare you to drop 100+ comments on this chapter and I'll force myself to update early again.

"Eat" Kamal said to Fatimah, gesturing to the food that was placed on their table by a waiter just a couple of seconds ago. However, by the looks of it, she does not plan on eating any of it because she hung her head low, fidgeting with her fingers that rests on her lap.

Kamal didn't mind her though. He picked up the cappuccino he ordered and took a sip of it.

Fatimah looked up when she waited for him to say something but he didn't. She bit her lower lip nervously, "Are you angry?" She asked after she hesitated for a while.

Kamal stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at her, directly in the eyes, "For what exactly?" He asked placing the cup of cappuccino down.

Fatimah opened her mouth to say something but no words came out.

"Is it the calling me amidst of the night part?" He asked with a brow raised since it didn't seem like she would be able to say anything.

Fatimah looked down for a second before she looked at him, her cheeks tinted with red.

"-Or is it the part you were drinking?" He asked again, his gaze not moving away from her.

She clenched her eyes shut before she looked away.

"-Or maybe it's the part you confessed?" He took his cup and sipped his cappuccino, his eyes still on her. "Which one is it Fatimah?"

Fatimah sighed loudly as she covered her face with her hands. She was beyond embarrassed. She didn't know what got into her that she did what she did. What more, she just had to do it and get Kamal involved. She had no words to defend herself.

Kamal sighed, his lips set into a straight line. "Does Suhad know?"

She shook her head not needing him to elaborate. She understood what he meant.

Kamal nodded, his gaze moving away from her for a few seconds as he lightly tipped the handle of the mug with his index finger, the wheels in his head turning, "I'd be honest with you Fatimah, I'm disappointed in you"

She sucks in a breath, clenching her eyes tighter.

"However, I have no right to judge you for what you did" He sighed making her look up instantly. She did not expect that from him. She expected him to yell, get furious and report her to Suhad. "I just have one question though. Was that your first time?"

She nodded making him sigh again.

"You know drinking is haraam right? I don't know what made you do that but you shouldn't do it again. Listen, I know someone who lost her life because of that and I'll be damned if I watch you end up the way she did. We might not be close, but I know your brother, and next time such happens, I won't hesitate to tell him" He said as he placed both hands on the table between then, intertwining his fingers.

Fatimah nodded eagerly, releasing a sigh of relief when he said he wouldn't tell Suhad. She doesn't know how he'll react and she did not want to find out. However, as stupid as it might sound, the drinking issue wasn't what she was worried about most. "I-Aren't you curious about what I said?" She asked, mentally slapping herself for uttering such to him. She was a bit too straight forward.

"You were drunk; you didn't know what you were saying"

"Actually, I did know what I was saying" She sucked in a breath, preparing herself for what she was about to do. "I like you Kamal"

Kamal blinked. Instead of replying her, he simply smiled. She might not have understood but it was more of a sad smile than a 'I like you too' kind of smile. "I have somewhere to be. Finish up, I've paid already" He stood up from his chair, fixing his jacket in the process. With one last smile, he walked away.

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