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The next day came and just as expected Anna came to meet them around eight thirty am. This time, her usual scowl is replaced by a small smile. After complimenting them and claiming that they're slightly better than the last time she picked out the three people that their designs will be showcased too. The three people are Fatimah and two other people amongst the interns.

Jannah didn't care or feel bad that she wasn't picked out; instead she congratulated Fatimah and the two other people. However, someone in particular wasn't happy about the news and that person was Mr. S. He actually put up a great argument with Anna stating that Jannah's designs are exactly what will catch the audience's attention because it's different, but in a good way.

At the end of the day, Anna agreed with him because after all she always does what he wants; something he uses to get himself whatever he wants in ANNA'S. And so it was agreed it will be four interns' work that will be showcased.

Jannah attempted to thank him though she didn't want to but he did get her a spot in the show which is a huge boost in her career but he just waved it off and winked at her without saying a word.

"It's nothing really!" he exclaimed when she stood staring at him weirdly.

She nodded her lips set into a straight line, "OK then" She turned to walk away.

"However..." he started which made her stop in her tracks.

She flicked her head back and raised a brow, "Yes?"

"A cup of coffee with me after the shoot will suffice"

She smiled, a forced one, "I have plans after the shoot"

He hummed, "I see. Well then that's ok"

She nodded and walked away seeing the unwavering smile on his face which isn't normal for him.

Nothing's creepy about that, Jannah thought. It's just him being the usual creepy self.

"We need someone to model one of the connoisseurs' outfits, we're short on models" Said Anna on the day of the shots. It was Thursday and the fashion show is in two days but before then they need to shoot pictures of the outfits so they can have what to show to the world before the showcase.

"What happened to the models?" Mr. S asked holding the cup of his coffee in his hand, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up.

"One is sick and she's only letting us know in the last minute, I can't find a replacement right now so it has to be someone from ANNA'S now. But the problem is who?" Anna said her eyes moving around the place looking for the perfect replacement.

All of the crew is in Millennium Park where the photo shots will be. The photographing crews have set up their stuff and are already snapping pictures of the models that are all dressed up and ready. They're almost done and they need to shot the last ones but the problem is there are no models left. The ones hired won't agree to do another one at the moment.

"How about that girl?" Anna asked pointing at the girl that stood with her friends laughing at something.

"Or what about Jannah" Mr. S suggested still looking at the girl and her friends.

Anna looked up and rested her eyes on him, "What's your deal with that girl?" she asked as her brows furrowed. Saheeb has been a friend of hers since they were in school together so she knows everything about him. And the way he's all up in the girl's business means he's up to something. It may be good or bad; with him you can never tell.

"Nothing" he answered not looking at her.

She hummed, her lips puckered. She turned to face him fully, folding her hands on her torso in the process, "It's never nothing with you. So tell me, what is it?"

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