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Jannah gulped. She knew he was mad at her, but the way he spatted those words out confirmed it for her. "Look, I'm sorry..."

"Sorry?" He cut her off, disbelief masking his tone, "Your 'sorry' is not going to bring back our child that you killed!"

"I didn't kill it" She argued, tears welling up her eyes.

"You did" He argued, ignoring the waterworks show she's putting on. He might love her like mad but what she did was unacceptable.

"It wasn't even a human yet. Two weeks old Suhad, it was two weeks old"

He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head in the process, "Is that supposed to make it better Jay?"

She usually loved the way he called her name, but not at the moment. At that moment, she preferred he called her real name because the way he called her so harshly, at the instant she knew she was in for a long run. "I wasn't ready for a child Suhad, is that what you want me to say?" She asked, her voice raising slightly as the tears she held back streamed down her cheeks.

He took a step closer to her, leaning down to her height, he whispered, "And you think I don't know that?"

That took her aback, "Huh?"

"I'm not stupid Jannah, I saw your pills and I don't care about them" He watched as her eyes widened, it made him scoff, "What upsets me is that you'll stoop so low to get an abortion simply because they didn't work. Couldn't you have told me instead? Do you know how I felt when I came and found you unconscious lying in a pool of blood? Your blood?!" His voice rose with each word that escaped his mouth, and he didn't feel an ounce of guilt as he watched her cry.

He was scared to the core when he saw her. He almost lost his mind thinking of what happened to her.

Then what? The doctor told him it was just the abortion pills she took that made her lost that much blood.

"I'm sorry" She whispered. She didn't know what else to say or do at the moment.

He shook his head, a bitter smile adorning his lips, "No you're not" he whispered back. "You're selfish. All you care about is yourself. Not once have you ever considered my feelings"

She shook her head, more tears streaming down her face, "You know that's not true" She reached out to hold his hand, this made him take a step away from her earning a whimper from the sobbing Jannah.

"Oh really? Then tell me one time you considered my feelings? Just once! Was it five years ago when you left me because of some petty jealousy of yours? You misunderstood the situation, would it have killed you to simply ask?"

She shook her head, not able to stop her tears as she ran her hand furiously through her hair, "It's more than that Suhad, I swear!"

"Or maybe it's when you left me after Aamir and Daihaah's wedding?" He asked, raising a brow as he watched her cry. On other times he would've embraced her and pacify her but not then.

She crossed the line. He had no more patience in him. This wasn't some book where the guy would forgive everything she does in a blink of an eye. No, this is their story and it is one hell of a rocky path. There's nothing rainbow and cotton candy in it.

Jannah shook her head again. She didn't have an excuse for that. She was angry at him for what happened five years ago then, which she misinterpreted by the way.

"Or was it when you decided to leave me at the hospital? Was it then?"

"I did that for you. For your happiness!" She tried to defend herself though she knew that was a flimsy excuse. Her breathing was eventually becoming shallow by the second, nervousness was slowly chocking her up.

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