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Jannah stared between the two, her brows furrowed.

Suhad turned his head in the direction of Kamal, who offered him a small smile, wordlessly letting know that he would take care of it. Suhad smiled back, patting his shoulder slightly, he turned to his wife.

Jannah raised a brow at her husband. He simply smiled, walked towards her, caressed her shoulder lightly before he walked away, leaving the two alone. Jannah, still stunned, moved her gaze to Kamal. “What’s going on?” She asked. She didn’t get why her husband and her cousin had been acting so strange.

The Fulani Day event was rounded up two hours ago before Magrib prayer time. Kamal decided to leave after saying his farewell to her. There’s so much could go wrong on the mission. With Jabeer on the case, after the stunt he pulled the last time he was cornered, Kamal knew he had to be careful. He knew the situation would be different considering the CIA are after him too. But, unless Jabeer steps foot in America, they won’t interfere.

And that leaves Kamal, along with the NIA. Jabeer is already an international criminal. An arrest warrant had been prepared already along with a travel ban on him. That’s something they should’ve done before. However, they underestimated him then. That’s why he escaped.

This time around, there’s so much difference from back then. This time around, they have Kamal, they are well prepared compared to the last time, plus, they have an insider there—Saheeb. He keeps Kamal posted on every move of Jabeer despite there wasn’t much to report. Jabeer had been extra careful to not make any move in front of his son. He doesn’t trust him one bit.

Kamal being experienced in such situation knew what he should expect. After pursuing Jabeer in the past year, he knew never to underestimate the man. So, he wouldn’t be surprised if blood is shed. Honestly, he wouldn’t be surprised if amongst the people he’ll go with, some won’t return.

The arrest on Jabeer was made in a way that he’s wanted dead or alive. So, if he gives them trouble, he might have to be executed. Kamal is hoping it wouldn’t reach to that, though he wouldn’t hesitate to carry out the mission.

The chances of him returning healthy is low. His chances are never high. That’s the main reason why Bilkisu loathed him for what he does. That’s why she was so angry when she found out. All the years she spent loving the man, she never had any care whenever he told her he has to travel for work.

However, when she found out that during his travels, there might be a day that he won’t return, it broke her. So, she loathed him for that. But most importantly, she loathed him for not trusting her enough to tell her the truth. They have regulations, she knows that. But would it hurt for him to let her know that he does dangerous work. Granted, she’ll be worried. But she’d rather be worried than not know anything at all. That, she can’t handle.

“Kamal!” Jannah called out, seeing as he wasn’t willing to reply to her any moment soon. “What’s going on? Why are you and Suhad acting as if someone died?” Everyone she loves and care about are there with her. So, is there someone else that’s hurt which she doesn’t know? That thought worried her to no ends.

Kamal smiled, just as he’d been doing for the past years whenever he’s leaving for any dangerous mission. “Nothing of such happened, don’t worry”

“Then what is it Kamal?”

He shrugged, chuckling lightly. Somehow, his chuckle and playful charade lessened her fear. It concealed the truth behind Kamal’s words which she didn’t know. “Work came up. I have to go”

She narrowed her eyes at him, hissing slightly. “You’re jobless! When did you get a job?”

Kamal grinned sheepishly. He felt the weight on his shoulder lessen at her words. Bilkisu told her something, he knew that. Yet, Jannah’s words confirmed that Bilkisu didn’t tell her about his work, and that lessened his fear. He was worried that she knows, worried that she won’t let him if she knows that he might not return. That just like Mama and Baba, Kamal might not return to her too.

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