Chapter 1

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These words rang through the alleys of a Konohagakure no Sato where on the surface the village seem to transpire love and care for everyone, that couldn't be further from the truth, case and point one blond, 4 years of age, an orphan of the nine tails attack 4 years ago. His eyes a deep blue and his straight blonde hair. His name Naruto Uzumaki, the carrier of the Kiuby since it was sealed inside him by the forth Hokage, the hero of the village that everyone loved.

What people didn't know about the young blonde was that he had a photographic memory and was extremely intelligent. Naruto loves to read and was forced to become a fast reader not because he wanted to finish the book quicker but because when in the orphanage the matron would take the book out of his hands rather hastily so that he would stay stupid or so she though.

Naruto had just been knocked out because of the festivities of the Kiuby festival. It was a whole day to celebrate the village being saved by the late forth Hokage. To the 4 year old blond boy it was the worst day of his life since the villagers would find him and beat him up.
Getting called a monster child or a demon became his normal but this year they had gone to far.

Flashback to 1 hour earlier

Wheres that demon?-One of the villagers scram, soon a group of angry villagers joined him looking for Naruto. They were after blood. They entered Naruto's appartment, while looking for the boy they destroyed his house, while he in a hope to be safe hid in a old closet.
Naruto got comfortable in the closet but in doing so made a noise, this got him caught.
They grabbed the boy the arm and threw him into the floor, then a old drunk man got a hand on the boys neck and started strangling him. Naruto then got thrown through a wall of his bedroom he landed head first in the kitchen marble floor. Then everything became black.

Flashback over

Naruto woke up in a dark place with water along the floor, he looked around for an exit. He felt himself attracted to walk inside. He walked into a large room with some iron bars running down like a jail. Naruto got closer to the bars eventually slipping inside the cage. It was dark so he couldn't see where he was going soon he felt himself hit something soft, when he moved his hands he knew it was fur.

A roar echoed through the sewer like place, this made a bunch of light come in and show, to the young boy, what he was holding. He looked up at the giant fox, he felt scared by the size, he then heard a voice, which he thought was very soothing and helped him relax.
"What are you doing in my cage kit?"
From this statement Naruto figured out that was the voice of the fox.
"I was looking for a way back to the village"-Naruto explained
The big fox sighed realising what was going on, then the fox melted when he felt small hand going through his fur. "What are you doing kit?"
"I'm just petting my new friend hehe. And what is a kit?". "A kit is a baby fox". "So I'm basically your son"?!- Naruto was excited. "I guess so".
Naruto hugged one of the tails with happiness, he never knew he could have. Kiuby was taken back by this at first but soon began to enjoy the happiness of the kid.
There, a beautiful friendship began.

Naruto began felling dizzy and fell into the sewer water. "You okay kit?"-Kiuby got his face near the kid. "I'm just dizzy. What's happening?"
"You are leaving your mindscape"-The fox explained. Then everything became dark for Naruto. "What's your name?"Was what Naruto mustered before going back."Kurama", then he woke up.
He was in the middle of his now destroyed appartment. He sighed looking at the mess he had to fix.
Naruto cleaned his appartment, it was already late in the afternoon when he heard a voice in his head.
"Hey kit!"
"Yeah we are talking inside your head."

The Wood FoxOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz