Chapter One

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Mangalyam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna
kanthe badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam

This is a sacred thread. This is essential for my long life. I tie this around your neck, O maiden having many auspicious attributes may you live happily for a hundred years.

As, the priest said the mantras, he tied a Mangal Sutra (black beaded necklace) around her neck.

Priest: Now for the final ritual Sindoor Daan - putting the vermilion in the partition of the hair on brides forehead.

Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnuh, Mangalam Garunadhwajah.
Mangalam Pundari Kakshah, Mangalaya Tano Harih.

May auspiciousness be with Lord Vishnu, may all auspiciousness be with the one who has Garuda as his flag symbol.
May all auspiciousness be with the Lord who has eyes like the lotus flower, and all auspiciousness to Hari.

He applies the vermilion in the partition of her hair.

Priest: The marriage is complete. You both are now husband and wife.

Aaand Cut!! Perfect shot SK! That was just awesome and you were excellent as always!

....Oh!! Sorry!!  Are you'll wondering what just happened? Okay!! Let's rewind a little bit!

"What? How can you be so irresponsible? What do you mean you can't make it? Do you even realise how hard it is to get SK's dates?" Manik screams into the phone

"Sorry Sir, we planned everything perfectly but then our vehicle just broke down in the middle of the forest section. We waited 2 hours but couldn't find any other vehicles to take lift or anything. Infact I had to walk 30 mins just to get the phone network. I've called a tow mechanic but he stays 45 kms from here and would atleast take an hour to come" cried Basheer on the other end of the phone.

"So, even if he comes, it will take an hour plus another God knows how many hours to repair and then you need to travel 3 hours more to reach here" speaks Manik out of frustration.

"Yes, Sir" agrees Basheer

"Doesn't look feasible to me, I'll talk to the Director and see what happens, just wait where you are so that I call you back in 10 mins" instructs Manik and disconnects the call.

He goes to the Director, Dinesh Kaushik who was busy in checking the set-up.

Manik: Excuse me, Sir!

Kaushik: Yes, Manik where are the junior artists? We have to start the shoot in 2 hours.

Manik: Sir, I have a bad news. Their vehicle broke down in the middle of forest area. They will be delayed.

Kaushik: What the hell, Manik? You know we cannot wait, this is the final shoot plus S.K. doesn't have dates until next 6 months. SK is going to Canada for 5 days and the flight is scheduled tonight. If we don't shoot this scene today then we will delay our whole release by another 6 months.

Manik: I understand Sir, but what can we do now? Even if we have to cast someone from the nearby city, it would take atleast 3 hours more.

Kaushik: I don't know what you do, how you do it, I want a bride and a priest within next 1 hour. I have invested a huge bloody investment on this setup and the wages for every crew member. Just move your bloody ass and don't show me your face until you get a artist. I warn you, I will fire you in an hour if I don't get this.

Manik was frightened to the core learning that his job was at stake. A man stood behind in a corner approaches him.

Pritam: Hey Mister, Are you in trouble.

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