Chapter Seventeen

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James had arranged a small place (kholi) in an average locality at such short notice. Since it was her first movie, Shehnaaz's fee was not a big amount. She didn't have any other project as well since her first project as actress was yet to release. She got her fees on weekly basis.

Shehnaaz transferred the money to James and booked it for Pritam. In the evening, she met Pritam and gave him the address and some money asking him to buy some groceries and to spend on his treatment. Pritam blesses her and goes.

Sidharth messages her
Hey, Let's go home! It's packup. I will wait for you at our regular pickup point. Do it fast.

Shehnaaz and Janet start and reach the point. Shehnaaz had hardly sat in the car, Sidharth starts the engine.

Sidharth: Quickly Shehnaaz

Shehnaaz: Huh? Wait, let me fasten the seat belt.

He was in hurry today. Even at signal, his hand movements were too much. Shehnaaz was perplexed at his urgency. But he didn't speak anything either. They reach their basement parking.

Sidharth: Hurry up Shehnaaz!!

Shehnaaz: Yeah, I am not a Ginnie to snap and disappear and appear outside. Be patient.

Sidharth: You are very lazy. Come quickly!

They enter the lift.

Shehnaaz: What is the problem? Why are you in so much hurry? Do you want to go to loo?

Sidharth: What? Nooo!!

The lift halts at their floor.

Sidharth: Come quickly!!

He stood at the lift door even before it opened. Shehnaaz rolls her eyes and facepalms.

Shehnaaz: You can't wait for the door to open also, right?

Even before she completed he raced to the door and unlocked the door.

What's wrong with him today? Why is he in so much hurry? What is he upto?

She goes to her room and finds him there already! He was taking out her clothes from her wardrobe.

Shehnaaz: What are you doing SK?

Sidharth: What do you mean? Did you forget you have to move into my room? Come on!! Help me, now!

Shehnaaz stood there in shock!!

Shehnaaz: Was this the reason behind rushing?

Sidharth: Yeah!! Stop wasting time! Take that bunch of clothes and come fast.

Shehnaaz: Oh God!! What should I do of this man? You are acting like a husband who goes to pick his wife from her maternal home after a month of separation. We stay in one house itself, what's the hurry? Atleast let me breathe first then freshen up and change into my home clothes.

Sidharth: Exactly, if we move now, you can do it in our room itself, why waste so much time? Looks like you won't help. Let it be, just follow me.

He carries all her clothes to his room. He keeps them on the couch and turns around and frowns as she was not there. He goes into her room, she was taking out her phone charger.

Sidharth: What are you doing here?

Shehnaaz: Taking my toiletries and phone charger.

He goes behind her and lifts her up in bridal style.

Shehnaaz: What? SK, what are you doing?

Sidharth: I am importing you to my room. You don't seem like having a little bit of interest in moving. If I leave you here, you might change your mind later.

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