A Man's Purest Form of Sin

463 14 7

Part: Stardust Crusaders

-DioKak [Dio x Kakyoin] (toxic)
- JotaKak [Jotaro x Kakyoin] (implied?)
- gore | violence | manipulation
- suggestive themes | general angst

Kakyoin belived that he had become strong enough to face Dio, but the moment he attempts to destory the demon of his past, and forget his darker self - the vampire draws him back in....

Word-Count: 1,584

Published: December 20th, 2020

Status: edited

// this one isn't as good as i wanted it to be? I hope the emotions I was trying to describe come off the way they're supposed to//

His breathing trembled, this was it. He could feel the vile evil within those walls of the mansion sweeping into his bones. Sending goosebumps to run down his body causing him to shudder as he took in the aura that laid heavily in the air. Noriaki ran along the hallway after his companions, they needed to find Dio, the master of this house. The redhead had a hard time focusing on anything he was doing running on auto-pilot. Memories would surface at the back of his mind as he ran past familair rooms. Rooms where he had spent months underneath the control of the vampire. Rooms where he had shared his deepest secrets with a blonde siren.

He swallowed, stumbling.
Jotaro came to a halt, he glanced back the darkness shruouding his tall stature.

"Kakyoin, "always so formal when others were around. "Don't go lagging behind now, are you sure you're all healed up?"

"Yes." the other teenager hissed out at him - anger edging his voice. The Joestar sighed, and shook his head quickly catching back up with Joseph who had ran ahead. Taking a deep breath, he took a step forward.

Then, they were gone. Within the blink of an eye he had lost sight of the other two Crusaders. Noriaki tensed.  [Hierophant Green] appeared instantly surrounding the whole hallway its glistening tendrils slithering down in every nook and cranny. There was about twenty feet of hallway he had measured out. He furrowed his brows feelings himself break out into a cold sweat. He knew Dio's power, not his ablity, but he knew that he didn't stand a chance one-on-one with him. He would be a fun plaything. Not only that: but, Dio would certainly play mental games with him.

How had the other two gotten so far ahead? Noriaki felt his heart leap a little with joy, as he felt the familair presence of Jotaro. [Hierophant] wrapped around the leg of the other male, and his whole body shivered. There was no warmth coming off of it.  He had mistaken Dio's aura - for the Joestars. It was too late to recall the Stand now, as it was gripped tightly by a cold-hand. Sharp nails dug into the tendril.

An alluring voice drifted down it, like a telephone cord. "Noriaki...you've come back."

"Bastard!"he screamed out, his frustration boiling. His rage came bumbling up his throat morphing all of his rational thoughts into a burning inferno. He was going to tear Dio apart limb from limb. The redhead's eyes were glowing in the darkness, lighting sharp and bright. An [Emerald Splash] vanished into the shadows of the hallway, as he pin-pointed the vampire's location. Not a single one of the struck, one moment the blond was  there - the next, he was behind Noriaki.

"My little cherry...what have they done to you those Joestars. They've turned you agaisnt me." His breath was a cold as ever, running down the redhead's spine as curling vipers. The drifting alluring edges of his voice seemed to slip a heated venom into the redhesd's veins. He swallowed. That voice. He had been hearing it in his dreams for weeks. That voice, made him melt and boil at the same time.

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