Sing to Me

158 10 16

Part: Stardust Crusaders
Pairing: KakJota [Kakyoin x Jotaro] (implied)

Jotaro can't sleep tonight so he asks Noriaki for a strange favor...

Content Warnings:
- none! Pure fluff

Word-Count: 1,010
Published: Apirl 30th, 2021
Status: Unedited
His eyes had adjusted to the darkness a few moments ago, as it envolped all around him: no light even from the street managing to get through the heavy curtians that were drawn across the windows. He was lying upon the bed, stiff as a board. It was too humid for him to find comfort in the blankets that wee laid upon the bed, and the air conditioner's humming drone started to grate at his eardrums. So, he laid there: staring up at the ceiling - looking into the void that surrounded him. Shadows shifted themselves as his eyes and mind played tricks seeking any hint of light and form.

He groaned, and rolled over. While it was dark, he knew that Noriaki was lying across the room in his own bed. It was likely the redhead had fallen asleep, he seemed to do so with ease. Jotaro didn't understand that. Either the heat kept him awake or it was his never ending rumble of thoughts within his head. Unless he was exhausted beyond belief, he didn't sleep well. He bit into his lip a bit, except: for when he heard someone's voice. They could be talking softly to him about nothing - but singing always worked the best. Even now, at seventeen years old, if his mother sang him a lullaby he'd likely pass out in seconds.

Usually, he'd just turn on a radio to some country station: but their hotel rooms lacked such an accommodation. He clenched the sheets beneath him.

"Noriaki..." he mumbled, but he didn't get a response. He reached down feeling the strange ghostly-warmth of [Hierophant] upon the floor. He grabbed it, and pulled a little: not enough to set off an [Emerald Splash]. He heard the bed across the room creak, as Noriaki jolted upwards. The ginger grumbled out a few curses, and he rubbed at his eyes -- finding only darkness met him.

His voice was edged with irritation, "What is it Jotaro...?"

"Listen, I want to get sleep just as much as you do. But, I have a hard time doing so... could you -"the taller swallowed and he thanked the cover of night for hiding the flush that began to rise. This was stupid. "Sing me - a lullaby?"

He expected to hear snickering laughter. After all, Noriaki was the kind of man who took pleasure in the embrassment of others - in their pain. Instead a gentle silence followed, there was a strange wordless exchange between the pair. Unspoken words transmitting through it. Tell no-one. The Joestar heard Kakyoin get up, and make his way over to him. He jolted as he was pushed away from the headboard - a bit confused he obliged to the motion. He felt arms slip about his waist, and he stiffened with shock as Noriaki slid into the bed behind him.

His voice wavered, as his face stained itself red. "Oi. What do you think you're doing...?"

The soft chuckled he got in return ran down his spine. Jotaro sucked in a breath realizing how close Kakyoin was pressed up against his back. "This is my payment for singing to you like you're a baby."

"Shut up."came the snappy retort in response. Jotaro crossed his arms over his chest, "Just - get it over with. I bet you can't even sing."

He was wrong. So, very wrong. As Noriaki began to sing his voice melted through the air, seeming to send a tingling sensation down every part of the taller's body. His voice lifted and dropped in a natrual- almost alluring way. You couldn't stop listening to it you were drawn in as if rising from the depths of his chest was a siren song. Jotaro felt his whole body relax, as every word sank into his troubled soul: soothing it. A hand came up, and began to comb its fingers through his hair. A content sigh broke through the Joestar's lips.

And all Noriaki was doing as humming, as words formed upon his lips: Jotaro could feel the entire world seemingly slip into something obsolete. Nothing mattered. Nothing was real expect for Kakyoin, his warm touch and his voice.

"Hush, little baby don't say a word..."
Any other time, Jotaro would have laughed at such a choice of song. He didn't have any qualms now, smiling softly as the word 'baby' resonated with him. It was just a word, but the way Noriaki said it: made Jotaro feel as if he were special. As if he were the center of the entire universe. He didn't even realize he had begun to nuzzle himself back agaisnt the other teen. Desperate for his embrace.

"Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird..."
His eyes fluttered closed. The last of his thoughts scattered, there was no room left in his mind for it was filled with the sweetness of Kakyoin's voice. The gentle warmth of his touch, as his unkempt hair was stroked into submission. He was so lost in this moment: this blossoming peace that it was likely, Noriaki could have done anything to him: and he wouldn't object.

"And if that bird don't sing..."  Kakyoin pasued. He could feel Jotaro'a chest rising and falling steadily, his breathing slowed. He smiled, a genlte flush upon his face. It was clear that the man was fast asleep, but he finished the verse anyway: as he retreated his hand from JoJo's hair. "Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring..."

He was shaking a bit, why? He couldn't tell you. He caressed the other teens face, and daring to, he planted a soft kiss to his forehead. "Goodnight JoJo..." As carefully as he could he went to slip away.

Jotaro stirred, a whine forming on his lips: and a hand shoot up grabbing at Noriaki. He whimpered. The redhead found his brain short-circuiting. He easily slipped back into the position he had been in his heart pounding as Jotaro nuzzled his face into his chest. Curling up almost into his lap in a fetal position.

Noriaki cursed softly, "Fuck...he's adorable."

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