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Part: Stardust Crusaders
Pairing(s): KakJota [Kakyoin x Jotaro] (mentioned) (minorly implied)

Kakyoin was prepared to die: what he wasn't prepared for, was to be the last one standing...

Content Warning(s):
- alternative timeline | AU
- major character death | gore | grief
- general angst | manipulation | heartache

Published: April 5th, 2021
Word-Count: 1, 440
Status:  minorly edited

His skin, was too pale for him: it gave him a washed out look with his dark hair. His skin was too cold for his usual heater of a body, one that the man had always found an excuse to snuggle a bit to close too. To try and soak up that warmth into himself - to take a bit of the other with him. Seeing him look so peaceful felt wrong, with the way his usually anger features were pulled into a gentle smile. He wondered what the man had been thinking about in his last moments to put that smile upon his face. His mother? His grandfather? His friends? It didn't quite make any sense. It was a cruel thought  that he had time before the light faded to think about anything at all. Meaning he likely suffered. He likely felt pain to the very end.

This shouldn't have been possible. He was the hero. He should have won, come out victorious. So: why - was he laying here upon the concrete in a pool of his own blood? Smiling, that bastard was smiling. Something they never rarely got to see decided to plaster itself upon the face of Jotaro, in his final moments. Perhaps he hadn't been thinking about anything at all, but smiled as a final farewell gift. Some help that was. It didn't comfort the ginger. It didn't even begin to fill the hole that was forming inside of his body. He doubted anything would be able to fill the gap.

"This isn't right..."he breathed out softly. He looked around him, he was utterly alone. Avdol, Iggy, Joseph, Polnareff. They were all gone. Yet: nothing could be cruel cruel the body that laid still before him. He wanted to say that he cared for the others death's. He wished he could scream to the heavens that he cared for them all equally. That, however, would make him a liar. It was Jotaro who owned every bit of his love. He had nothing left to give the others. And truly, right now - he couldn't even spare the grief to try and process thier loses. It seemed - impossible. One moment they were all together and the next, one by one they were striped away from the world as if they were mere flies. Jotaro, who Noriaki thought was the strongest man he had ever known now lay there, beneath the pale moonlight motionless. Utterly defeated.

The worst part, was Dio lived. He was lingering near by mocking the teenager by giving him time to grieve. Mocking him by not even making a move. He stood aside observing the psychological chaos he had ensued. Anyway, Dio hsd no qualms with him. Kakyoin would be like killing an ant to the vampire. Effortless. Trembling like a leaf, he reached outwards: and touched Jotaro's face. He wished he could feel warmth beneath his fingertips - but, all he felt was the lose of it. He could feel the last bits of life drianing from the Joestar's body. He hadn't even been killed in a way that suited him.

He had died upon impact. Quick and brutal. There had been no glorious sacrifice- and no fanfare. Jotaro had hit the ground and his life vanished slowly into the stoned below him which were crushed and crumbled. Another weak hand snaked around the taller's waist. Noriaki hoisted him with a bit of effort upwards.

That idiot. Such an idiot. The redhead buried his face into the man's neck, sobbing uncontrollable. He knew that snot and tears were going to drop down upon the dilenquent's priced jacket: but what did it matter? If Jotaro hadn't drawn Dio's attention away from Kakyoin. If he had just followed the fucking plan. He'd be alive right now.

"I was meant to die..."the man began to rock back and forth, shifting the taller with him. "I was supossed to die..you stupid idiot...had to get in the fucking way. Asshole!"

He clenched his fists agaisnt the man's collar. Kakyoin dragged Jotaro upright and shook him, his purple gaze shattered. One could see the strange spider webbing  cracks of agony that were beginning to run their way through those eyes. Once bright and so full of life, now fading out to become as empty as that of a corpse.

"Wake up..."he mumbled, and his voice began to rise as the volume of tears did. "Wake up! Wake up, Kujo! You can't be doing this to me! I need you-u! I- I love you!" He choked out, his words broken by a cry of grief that tore itself through his throat, burning up onto his tongue. Jotaro: he was meant to return home - go home to Holly. Embrace his mother in a hug again. Polneraff. That annoying European had promised Kakyoin that he would allow the redhead to teach him how how play video games. Avdol and him had talked about visting the Smithsonian in the States, with Mr.Joestar. and Jotaro. Jotaro had promised him sleepovers. Dinners. Graduation. Friendship for the rest if his life. Even Iggy, and him had a silent agreement - if the dog let him pet him all he wanted: Kakyoin wouldn't stop him from messing with his favorite French man.

All of those wishes. All of those dreams were gone. Blow away in split seconds.

A smooth voice, condemning and cruel. "Oh, this much hurt...it must be all so overwhelming." Heels clicked against the stone, but Noriaki didn't move. He didn't even flinch. All he did, was bury himself into Jotaro's chest, where he found no heartbeat to comfort him. "People say, that it is better to die first - than last. I guess, this proves that piont quite nicely, hm?"

Silence passed, Dio continued. "It seems that the fire in you has been extinguished entirely. You are certainly not acting like the Noriaki I knew..." The human could almost hear that monster's smirk in his tone. "The selfish, cruel and vindictive lonely soul - whi wanted nothing more than to own and control something for once in his life. The boy..." a cold finger ran past his ears pushing a strand of hair behind it, unnaturally gentle. "Who just wanted to rule the world for once: instead of having it step on him."

Noriaki didn't say anything, he couldn't answer. He simply closed his eyes and buried himself deeper into the coolness of the corpse he held, waiting for the finishing blow. He should have known that he didn't deserve such a happy ending. Death, would have allowed him to follow his dearest friends - hsi family into a better world. Dio wouldn't allow for that. He was, as his name suggested - God.

And Kakyoin was now being judged.
He heard them, the thorns slithering across rhe ground like vipers. Despite himself he opened his eyes and he saw roses, all of them a perfect red beginning to seemingly bloom around his body out of nothing. A few petals fell off of them and were gently moved in a soft breeze. One of the plants twisted and bent awkwardly until the rose faced him directly. It transformed into the grotesque and sharp fleshbud.

"You must feel like you have nothing left. The agony that is spiraling inside of you certainly, us too much to handle. You know,"a hand grasped his shoulder and squeezed - Dio spoke like a proud father, yet his tone carried a deadly mocking edge. He knew he had won. "I see a lot of myself in you, Noriaki. So: how about rather than suffering...rather than having to face this reality - you give yourself up. You give everything up for a better life. A life , where you will live as my ever needed, and ever adored and loved disciple. A muse. Standing at the top - where you belong."

A soft sigh escaped the redhead's lips - and he smiled. This time, he embraced the monster before him whoever heartedly -- there was no more hesitation within his soul. He set down Jotaro's body, and he buried his face into the bloodied street - his face being stained with the Joestar's blood.

He could feel Dio's shadow being cast over him - but the fleshbud never moved. A soft hand came down, to pat his head.

"There's my Noriaki..."

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