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Another short little drabble. KakJota this time (or again idk been a while).
A small, redhaired boy was clinging onto his mother's leg at the park. It was mostly empty - due to the fact that most children during the summer, spent time with friends at their houses. Or at the festivals. The little boy was going to go on a trip soon, his parents took him all over the world. His purple gaze was trianed upon another young boy, just his age. He was swinging upon the swings - his head down, a cap upon his head. Noriaki tugged at his mother's skirt, intruptuing her conversation.

"Mommy...that boy looks so lonely over there."the small redhead said, staring at him. Chiyoko smiled at her son, and he pushed him away from her leg gently towards the other toddler.

"Then, why don't you go play with him? Those bullies form school aren't around. Just don't tell him about your imaginary friend - alright?"she gave her son a bright smile, Noriaki blinked. Then, his eyes shinned with determination. He raised his fists into the air.

"I'm going to make him feel better!" He marched over to the boy on the swing, puffing out his chest. He sat down on the one beside him, and began to go back and forth. Noriaki felt the dark-haired male's gaze lift to him, and he grinned. He stuck out his hand.

"Hello! I'm Kakyoin Noriaki!"

The other boy blinked he shook his hand, "Jotaro Kujo..."

The redhead pasued, "Jotaro? What an odd last name."

Jotaro flushed, "No! I mean Kujo Jotaro. Me and my mom just moved here...I don't speak Japanese that well yet...and don't understand all the rules..."

He expected the other boy to make fun of him, either for his funny accent. Or simply, the fact that he wasn't full-Japanese. The man kids at school found any reason to make fun of him. Noriaki's eyes lit up.

"You're not from here?! Thats so cool! I travle with my family all the time - all over the world, but I've never lived in another place. Where are you from?"

The dark-haired male looked supirsed, he smiled a little. "America!"

"Really!? So, you know about cowboys and stuff? Hey!"he grabbed the other boy's arm and dragged him off the swing, "Let's play cowboys together!"

Jotaro pasued for a moment, and he narrowed his eyes. He tried to see the trick behind all of this, but he didn't find deciet in his new companion. He grinned and giggled, "Okay! I want to be the sheriff!"

"Then I'll be the tough and charming outlaw!"


And so, everyday - the pair met at the park. They played thousands of games. Noriaki, even told Jotaro about his friend- Melon, and Jotaro, believed him - staring that his grandfather had strange powers as well.

And then oneday, the redhead stopped showing up.

Weeks passed, as Jotaro sat alone on the swings waiting for him, until, he gave up - leaving his childhood friend behind in the past.


He shouldn't be there, almost a grown man - sitting upon a child's swing. He could hear the entire rusted equipment bend and creak beneath his weight as he swung a little back and forth. A ciggerate hung from his lips, and he hugged his jacket closer to him as a cold winter breeze cut through his blue modified uniform.

He buried his face into his hands, he couldn't belive this. His mother was just allowing hair deadbeat father to walk back into their lives. Acting as if nothing ever happened. He stared our across the weed infested playground, no-one played there anymore. A few thugs would use this place as a beating ground, the long grass hid bloodstains well. Jotaro sighed and he took a deep drag from his ciggerate.

The swing next to him creaked. He spun around, narrowing his blue eyes ready to throws a punch. He froze.

A tall, broad but still lithe looking teenager sat beside him, birght red hair comically styled about his dangerously sharp features. Piercing purple eyes met with his, a smile crept upon smooth lips. He tilted his head.

"I didn't expect to find another lonely soul out here..." his voice was silky and seemed like it moved through the air like ribbons.

Jotaro stared, his ciggerate dropped from his mouth. He recognized those eyes. This was impossible- this, this, man couldn't be the cherry loving boy he had known. The one he had thought was as good as dead dead him all those years ago. This wasn't how the world worked.

"It can't be..."came his deep and rough voice in comparison. "Nori...?"

The redhead blinked, he frowned feathery brows furrowed. It seemed that puberty had done him good. Jotaro had just gotten taller and beefier - nothing else.

Silence fell.

Jotaro smiled softly, "Hey..."he mumbled. "Want to play cowboys together?"

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