A Very Bizzare Father

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This was meant to be crack: but ended up serious. Dedicated to my Dragon Ball obsessed  girlfriend.

So, meet my crack-AU:
Goku is Jotaro's father.
Vegeta wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead as he walked down the hallway, using the hand towel he had to do so. He had been training, as he always does: but today, he had done something lighter - the reason? Goku had been missing all morning. The man hated to admit it, but training wasn't the same without that idiot to push him further, or just piss him off enough that he went beyond his limits just out of sheer anger alone. Anyway: the strange disappearance of the younger Sayian made him a bit - antsy. It wasn't like Goku to just run off without a word to anybody, yet, not even ChiChi knew where he had run off too.

And the idiot was a magnet for trouble. So, the slightest hint of concern had filled him all the while he trained in the gravity room. The Capsule Copration also felt pretty empty without him running about and yelling. Goku and his wife were visiting for a couple of days - which of course had been suggested by Bulma. Vegeta had begrudgingly agreed to this, mostly only because his wife had been insistent that they needed to hang out with the pair more. He,honestly, thought she just missed being able to talk to another woman.

He felt the reappearance of Goku's presence before the door next to him, slowly opened up a crack. Vegeta sighed deeply, and he was already starting to get a bit irritated - now the other man was sneaking about. "Kakarrot, I know you're here. You really need to work on hiding your presence better."

Goku shook his head a bit, which was peeking out the door. "I can hide my presence perfectly well, you're just too in tune with me!"

The Sayian prince put the hand-towel he had around his neck, and he tilted his head at Goku. "You better have a good explanation for ditching me this morning."

"Awe,"a silly loopsided grin was shot at the shorter man, "Did you miss me?"

"Not a single bit, " Vegeta shot back. "Now: Kakarrot quit stalling and tell me what the hell you're hiding behind a door for?"

The taller of the pair glanced up and down the hallway, he looked up at Vegeta. He seemed, a bit nervous and that made the prince more curious. He wanted to know know was going on and soon as possible.

"You can't tell Bulma. Not while ChiChi is around."

Vegeta rose an eyebrow at that, now: he was definitely interested. If this had to do with something Goku's wife couldn't know about - then it was bound to be interesting. He just hoped this wouldn't be a waste of time, and if it was he'll make the younger Sayian pay for that missed training session. He waved the other aside, who grinned. Goku hadn't expected the prince to hear him out: he had expected to be lectured about missing training.

Goku opened the door, and allowed Vegeta to enter. It was a spare bedroom, currently housing boxes from storage. He stood there after the prince closed the door, struggling not to just spit out the story already. He waited until Vegeta was situated to start rambling about his current, predicament.

"I want you to hear me all the way out before you freak," he began and cut Vegeta off before he snapped at him. "Just: listen, okay?"

Goku looked rather serious, and the shorter man found himself once more itching with curiosity. "Alright, fine, I'll hear you all the way out before commenting. No promises though."

A sigh of relief left the taller's lips, before he started. "So, you know those seven years I was dead? Well: there was one piont I ended up in this alternate reality-" he could already see Vegeta starting to form words, and he gave him a pleading look. Sometimes, the prince really and a hard time just - keeping quiet, or at least, when it came to when Goku was talking. "I met a woman there...she was pretty, and nice..."

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