The Talk

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A drabble in which the first-time lovers and virgins of KakJota have an awkward conversation about the next step in their relationship...

!sexual themes!
Note: it mentions bottom kakyoin *cause that was thier plan* but they never actually got that far. Also: they use the terms "seme" and "uke" cause all their 'gay' knowledge came from BL, yaoi and general media.
Note 2: calling this a drabble cause it rlly don't have much emotional weight also it not 1000+ words. drabble are the only way I can write fluff . Also like no editing, just half-baked thoughts mashes together
He hated the silence between them, and he knew Jotaro wasn't going to speak up first. What a disaster it had been, they hadn't even gotten any clothes off after the heated make-out session, before they just both: stopped. They had everything planned to. The extra sheet, the lube, the condoms. Even stupid candles and rose petals for the romantic air.

Yet: they had both been so awkward and uncomfortable- they just, went soft. Noriaki - was blaming himself. If he could have just maned up, and let his pride down for the guy he loved - it would have never happened. So what if he was receiving! Jotaro would think no less of him. Yet, fear still stirred inside of his stomach at the thought of the taller - begining to look down on him, because he had dominance in the bedroom. The very thought made his blood boil. Anyway: he wasn't sure he liked the feeling of anything in his ass. He knew that some men, just - adored prostate simulation. In preparation for tonight - he had been inserting things to stimulate it, while it felt good (due to natural hormonal and biological process) he really, really didn't like how it felt, emotionally.

He was so selfish. There beside him laid his dissatisfied hyper-masculine, six-foot-five boyfriend, all pouty. Kakyoin didn't have much experience with men, so he had read up. And naturally: he guessed the smaller male received for convince of positioning mostly - because height differences made having a smaller top, a bit more tricky. He was starting to doubt all that.

"JoJo,"he spoke finally, and the Joestar sat up looking at him. "We can...try again. I'm sorry I got all tense and weird. I've just never done this-"


The redhead frowned, irritated. He understood that Jotaro didn't talk much, but Jesus it really got on his nerves how he didn't elaborate. "No - what? Are we just, not going to have sex? After all this prep-work?"

Jotaro huffed, and he diverted his gaze. He was shyer than he let on. "No - to what we were trying to do just now. It may work from all those characters in fictional media, or maybe even most couples - but not us."

His boyfriend rolled his wrist about, asking the taller silently to add more. Jotaro sighed deeply deeply wishing Kakyoin hsd the ablity to read his mind.

"You very clearly are uncomfortable with receiving. I want to make sure we both feel good." He was stopped before he could get to his piont, though he kept his mild irritation hidden away. Noriaki liked to jump to conclusions.

"Well, I want you to feel good, so I'll put my discomfort aside. You're clearly more suited for the seme role, stronger than me, taller than me. Dark hair and eyes. The list goes on and on. And you made it clear you wanted it - weeks ago. You told me you wanted to be the seme. And you're not the type to change your mind."  He rose an eyebrow. "Am I wrong?"

Jotaro huffed and he grasped the male's hands flushing in the face before he even said it, "We are not poster-book men, Nori. What I'm trying to say, is that...I...I want..." he swallowed, "I want to be the uke."

A violet gaze flickered in and out of existence as Kakyoin blinked rapidly. "What?"

The Joestar huffed, tired of this awkward conversation already. "Do I need to be vulgar to get it through you thick skull?" He flicked the ginger on the forehead.
"I. Want.Your.Cock.In.Me."

The shorter male seemed to still be buffering the information for a moment. He blinked a couple times. "Why...? How? You-? What to be the uke? I don't understand? But you're so cool. You're a delinquent and you got like, tons of testrone. I'm the shorter one, with the hips and shit..."

Another flick to the forehead.
"You're comparing me to social stereotypes again. For a clever guy, you are really fucking dumb sometimes." Jotaro chuckled softly. "As for why? I made a discovery while you could say, preparing for this. I didn't like the thought of giving at all. Putting you beneath me in anyway just felt, really, really wrong. Because, I've always..."his face tinted pink. "I've always put you above me. On this pedestal- this ethereal being. Also - when I touch that place, I feel...really good."

Silence lasted again, and the Joestar was dragged into a hug. "Oh, JoJo! You are just too adorable for your own good! I could just-!"he didn't actually say anything else, instead he kissed Jotaro deeply. He pulled away after a few moments, he smirked a little. "I could just kiss you."

"You're so cheesy..."the taller huffed and he shifted the atmosphere. "Now, since that mess is cleared up - we can't let this stuff go to waste now can we?" He reached over and grabbed the lubricate they had freshly bought, they had decided using one of their own was gross. Since it hsd already touched them and was kinda dried out, not the best quality anymore. He smirked, "How about we get this show back on the road?"

He was pinned down to the bed, and he felt heat rise between them with ease this time.  Kakyoin's voice had lowered a bit into a sensual whisper, he had never seen a sight more sexy than Jotaro pinned beneath him.


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