Bottom of the Bottle

293 13 36

Part: Stardust Crusaders

- alcoholism | hallucinations | grief
- general angst

Jotaro, is staying in Japan for his winter-break from college. But as Holly finds out, her son - hasn't come home at all...

Word-Count: 1,173
Published: January 25th, 2021
Status: minorly-edited

His eyes blinked open and closed at different paces as he stumbled into the door. Slapping his forehead on the top of it he stumbled back, late to react rubbing at his forehead. He narrowed his eyes. Where was he? Blearily he dipped down beneath the door. Why was it so short? He went to close it but there wasn't a handle.

What the hell?
At 23 years old, Jotaro struggled to close his childhood home's door. He had rendered everyone of his senses. Slow reactions. Even slower talking. His thoughts still seemed to go at a rapid pace - and he hates that. He would need to drink more to stop them. Managing to slam the sliding door closed was a small victory that shook the whole half of the house. The man stumbled around tripping over a coffee table that was low to the ground. Why was everything so small?

"Jotaro...?"Holly's voice came from somewhere in the darkened house. Soft footsteps could be heard and Jotaro slumped onto the floor deciding it might be best if he didn't move around in the dark like a bumbling giant. A light turned in and he cringed back from it. The bar had been dimly lit, with a soft murmur of chatter this time of night. Nobody too chatty was ever there, either having gone home - or become so sluggish they could no longer hold an intelligent conversation.

The woman looked, very much like she did when she was younger. It was almost as if she hadn't aged - only the grey streaks that were coming in her golden locks defined her as an older woman. Jotaro stared at her. Trying to look not so disheveled, he dusted himself off.

"Jotaro, sweetie...what are you doing out here - on the floor? Shouldn't you be in bed? You have a flight to catch in the morning." her voice barely seemed to register.

Right. End of winter break is tomorrow...back to the states. At least everything will be sized correctly.

"Are you drunk?"

The man blinked and he waved his hand about, "No! No...not drunk. Didn't have a drop. Just tired..."

Holly frowned. She stared at her son, observing him. This was not the first time. It was the third time in a week. It seemed every night he made his way to that bar down the street. As if he was pulled by some invisible string he was dragged through that front door. She swallowed. He was an adult now, making his own decisions. Would he even listen to her? Holly sighed, not in this state. She went into the kitchen and grabbed some water and headache pills setting them out for tomorrow morning. He would need them.

When she got back, her son was lying on the floor looking uo at the cieling. His usally bright and intelligent eyes were clouded. His face was flushed unnaturally making him look sick almost.

Holly knelt down, and the man barely seemed to know she was there. "...what are you doing this for? Jotaro...I know you're a grown man - I'm not trying to partorinize you, but you seem to be picking up, bad habits. Why?"

"Waiting..."Jotaro mumbled and he stood up suddenly, he moved as if he were sober. He had been reminded of his purpose for doing this. It wasn't just to numb everything. To erase his thoughts that seemed to forever be whirring inside his head, eating away at him. "For someone."

Holly stared and she furrowed her brows. Her face fell into a look of deep concerns. He was talking nonsense now. She bit into her nial and she stood up again as Jotaro fumbled towards his room. What was a mother to do? It didn't matter what she asked, he would never answer her questions sober. And drunk, his answers didn't make sense. It was frustrating. And it worried her. How was Jotaro meant to make friends this way? Meet anyone, really.

"Is someone coming over?"she asked, unable to help herself. Somewhere down the hallway, Jotaro yelled back at her a bit too loud for the late night.

"No! He's already here... somewhere... just gotta find him..."

The blonde spun around, ready to ask more questions, but her son was gone. Holly sighed. Had he ever really been there? Ever since that trip, the details of which hsd been told to her vaguely, he hadn't been himself. Jotaro had been a reserved person before for some time, but after that trip - it was like he wasn't even human. Like nothing laid beyond his lost-eyes. His eyes were haunting if anyone ever got a good look at them, constantly filled with a void of emotion. Yet, a strange yearning would always linger as he glanced around - searching consantly for something no one else knew.
Thinking about it now, sent shivers through Holly. She swallowed feeling her throat clench up. Her eyes stung. It wouldn't be the first time. She missed her son.

Jotaro had never returned from that trip. His body may be here, but his soul was far-away, searching. Desprestly. Hopelessly searching. The tears spilled, and she went into her room - closing the door. Tonight was like so many others.

On the other end if the house, Jotaro laid upon his bed. He stared up at the ceiling. With fumbling fingers he managed to get a hold of the bottle he had in there. He wasn't really sure what it was. All he knew - was that it hadn't been enough. He hadn't drank enough. His thoughts were still rushing. Jotaro pressed the cold end if the bottle to his lips.

"Stop, thats enough..."

The bottle slipped from his hands shattering upon the floor, the liquor inside spilling across the hard wood. A spectrum figure laid beside him, redhair curling comically to frame his sharp face. His voice matched his elegant looks. The two parrell scars across his eyes gave him a rugged aura, despite the fact that he was so graceful. Jotaro reached forwards placing his hand upon the male's face.

"I found you..."he smiled, tilting his head. He slid over, but found that no warmth was given off of his companion. His shoulders sagged, the image flickered out of his vision revealing the cold empty bed.

""he mumbled his hands reaching through the air, grasping at nothing. "Don't go..."

His soft-broken plead was heard by no-one, "Dont leave me...."

Nothing answered him. The man shuddered and he sat up, he stared at the bottle on the floor. Damnit. He stood up not caring for the way to liquor soaked through his socks. He knelt down and found another one stashed away from his dilenquent years. He silently thanked his past self. With a simply snap, it was opened and he stare down through the top - searching inside the dark liquid.

Trying to find a dead man, at the bottom of the bottle.

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