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Part: Stardust Crusaders
Pairing:  KakJota [Kakyoin x Jotaro]
JotaMar [Jotaro x His Wife]

Jotaro reminisces on a night during the trip to Egypt, he may never forget. As the past begins to blend with the future...

Content Warnings:
- suggestive themes (implied sex)
- emotions.exe 

Status: minorly-edited
Published: March 26th, 2021
Word-Count:  1,910

|| changed my format again :) . Also if you find any triggers please, tell me ||

With a bit of force the redhead slammed closed the book he was reading, and he turned his head. He caught his companion turning away at that very moment a soft tint of red upon his face. Already cuaght in the act, he didn't say anything just seemed to try and wait for Kakyoin to started reading again. To just ignore it ever happened. The ginger narrowed his eyes, waiting for the ever-stoic man to say something.

He didn't.
Noriaki caught blue eyes darting to look at him for a split second half-hidden behind the bill of a hat.

"JoJo,"he started off, hoping not to scare the taller male back into whatever walls he hid behind. "You've been staring at me all night. Is something wrong?"

Jotaro shifted uncomfortably, he didn't like this. He didn't like being alone with Kakyoin because unlike most people in his life, the redhead didn't try and tip-toe around him scared of how he'd react. He'd instead: march right up to Jotaro and confront him. It took him aback eveytime the seemingly polite student did this. Noriaki always had this kind of duality. Especially towards this time of night, when it was late and they both were too stressed to sleep. When the door was closed and nobody else could hear them.

"Answer me. Or am I talking to a wall?"
Jotaro couldn't understand how his voice could be so gentle, yet carry such a deadly edge. He didn't understand a lot about Noriaki, so that's why he was so confused by the warmth in his chest everytime he spoke. Why he was confused by the soft heat that blossomed upon his face when he found himself caught in his purple gaze. He swallowed. Maybe he could pretend to be asleep? Avoid the entire thing.

"I know you're not sleeping, if that's what you're thinking. C'mon Jotaro, just, talk to me." An exasperated  sigh escaped his lips, and the Joestar gulped a little. Half of him wanted to wait it out, see the end of the fuse - but the other, smarter half, knew when to stop playing silly games. Especially with a man who - tended to best games.

He rolled over. He mulled over what exactly he was going to say. "I'm...stressed."

A soft chuckled came from his friend, who had set down his book now. Kakyoin shifted on his bed, sitting more comfortably. "Oh, really? I didn't notice. What is the real problem?"

I think I'm in love with you.

Jotaro couldn't say that. He couldn't risk those words slipping out of his mouth, he told himself: the enemy could find out. They'd use it as an advantage. He couldn't be weak. He couldn't let anyone know there were cracks in him. Yet, Kakyoin already knew. That wasn't by Jotaro's choice, the ginger simply saw through him as if he was made of glass.

He took a deep breath, he'd find away around this. "When I get this stressed at home I usally..." he flushed a little and he couldn't maintain eye contact, or speak, so he made a motion with his hand.

"You musterbate, okay - and, pretty sure every boy our age does that. Just go into the bathroom: I'll even plug my ears." Jotaro nearly choked on his own spit, unable to handle how, calm Noriaki took it. His voice made it worse. It was like: he didn't even care. Everyone in the group liked to call the younger Joestar cold, but have they ever really met this side of Kakyoin? This blunt and uncaring side? The side that, sometimes made Jotaro wondered if he could trust the ex-agent of Dio. Those thoughts, were fleeting but they surfaced at times like these. When Noriaki seemed to very, bitter cold.

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