A "Hairy" Situation

394 13 5

Part: Stardust Crusaders

-JotaKak [Jotaro/Kakyoin] (implied)
- suggestive (?) themes | simptaro
- mostly fluff and crack(?)

|| I headcanon our poor ginger gets body hair/facial hair like crazy, but he waxes/shaves regularly to hide the fact ||

Razors according to the Speedwagon Foundation, aren't a necessity, to Noriaki Kakyoin though they are and after about two days worth without a shave - Jotaro wakes up to quite the sight...

Word-Count: 695

Published: December 28th, 2020

Status: un-edited/revised (probs gonna stay that way cause it's just a drabble)

The male rubbed at his eyes, hearing rustling coming from the bathroom. Jotaro glanced over blinking away his sleepy daze - it was an hour earlier than he had to be up. He sighed realizing that it was Kakyoin, up and about to do his stupid hair and shit. That guy cares so much for his appearance it was almost concerning. The redhead carried a comb on him 24/7 just in case of "emergencies".

He stood up. The ravenette walked over to the bathroom, blinking at the shift of light. Finally, his gaze adjusted to the beams of yellow - and what he saw made his heart stop. At first he was amused, because it seemed Noriaki was struggling this morning, clearly agitated at something. Then - his heart squeezed in his chest and he swore that his gaze filled with hearts instead. Dotting the redhead's jawline was thin strands of hair forming a almost perfect 5 o'clock shadow.

Noriaki jumped as he realized Jotaro was there having felt his gaze on him. He smiled at him, "Morning Jotaro. Do you have any extra razors...?"

The Joestar didn't hear a word he said, staring at the male's face unable to tear his gaze away.

Noriaki frowned and he flushed a little underneath Jotaro's look. He waved a hand in front of his friends face snapping him out of his daze.

"Hey! I asked of you have any extra razors."the redhead huffed rubbing at his face, irritated. "I ran out yesterday and ny hair grows wicked fast, so, I would appreciate it-"

"Dont shave it!"Jotaro yelled out surprising both of them. The dilenquent blinked and he coughed regaining his composure as he leaned agaisnt the doorframe. "Why would you want to shave it off?"

"Because I hate it."Kakyoin cocked his head to the side. "What are you trying to say? That I look good with facial hair? Cause I beg to differ."

"Don't shave it off because, "Jotaro tried to come up with something to save his ass from embrassment. "It makes you look hella manly."

Noriaki smiled, but there was a dangerous edge to his voice. The taller male swallowed, he may have messed up. "Are you saying I didn't look manly before?"

"No-o."Jotaro cursed the waver in his voice and he went to pull down the brim of his hat, to hide his flush- but he didn't have it on. He groaned and he coughed again, clearing his throat. "The facial hair makes you look rugged and cool. You look much less uptight and goody two-shoes."

"Oh, I'm uptight am I?"the redhead growled.

"Listen I didn't mean it in a bad way-"Jotaro held up his hands, and his concern melted away into embrassment as Noriaki stepped forwards effectively pinning him to the doorframe. The Joestar found himself unable to meet the other's intense gaze breaking eye contact quickly.

"You want me to keep it, because you think I look hot with stubble."the redhead purred out and he chuckled deeply, getting his answer through the smallest tint of color on Jotaro's face. "Alright, I'll keep it - but only for today."

He walked out of the bathroom, and Jotaro slowly slid down the doorframe feeling like he could breath again. The whiskers of red hair on his jawline really did make him more intimidating. Maybe it was because it made him look older or something.

The next day, Jotaro deliberately stashed away every single razor - forcing Noriaki to keep his facial hair. Polneraff offered to shave him with [Silver Chariot] but that was shot down quickly. Jotaro all day sat there staring at Kakyoin, and made excuses to touch his face.

Oh, he could get used to this.

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