To Tame A Beast

344 9 7

Part: Stardust Crusaders

-JotaKak [Jotaro x Kakyoin] (implied)
- gore | violence | fear |
- psychotic!jotaro (?) | sadism
- alternative-timeline | Stands present

Noriaki, ended up pissing off some local-gang members. They end up tossing the redhead into a cage of some sort, and he expects to have to fight some kind of rapid dog. Instead as what he faces is so much worse...

Word-Count: 2,433
Published: January 16th, 2021
Status: incomplete | edited

|| I'm sorry for posting another incomplete one, but, my motivation has flown out the window and to the far corners of the earth :( ||

|| inspired by Kittyccino who's story(ies) are amazing and you should go read them rn ||
The thugs seemed to treat him like some delicate package now, not pushing at him or pulling. They seemed almost scared to damage him past the fact that his wrists were tied behind his back  th rope they used cutting into his skin. The guy that was escorting him was a small  boy-looking male, who carried a knife larger than his own palm. He would prick the end of the blade in-between the redhead’s shoulder blade to prompt him onwards. While Noriaki, could very easily use [Hierophant] to get out of this mess, he didn’t. These punks weren’t worth it. Anyways, it wasn’t as if they had done much harm to him.

“Listen pal, our friend Jotaro is quite hungry. He's gonna tear you apart for what you did to Slasher.” His escort growled out and the Japanese student rolled his eyes, huffing.

“Oi, you're lucky we can’t rough you up.” A yellow-stained grin flashed from his escorts friend  “JoJo doesn’t like it when they can’t fight back.”
He found himself in-between two towering apartment buildings each one looked as if it could collapse without a moments notice, a cage sat between them. He stated at them with distaste finding the chain links barrier that made it up , which was harshly wrapped with barbed wire was stained with blood. Most of the silver had long ago been stained with dried gore and now the whole thing was rusted and it had a very apocalyptic feel to it. Noriaki huffed as the rope holding him was cut and he was shoved inside the cage sharply.
These guys were going to make them fight one of their rapid and strayed dogs most likely. Death by hounds. He would use [Hierophant] on the poor creature so that he could end its life quickly. The animal would find peace in death, and it would the most merciful and humane thing to do. He spotted that a crowd was gathering, money, and cigarettes were exchanging hands in the form of bets.

 Most of the thugs had this viscous smirks on their faces, cracking their knuckles. They all spoke in a hushed murmur which surprised the ginger. He had expected them to be howling for bloodshed, rapid animals themselves wishing they could get a ahold of him. He sighed and he took out the comb from his pocket bored a little as this went on for a few moments. It seemed that as the whole gang had gathered, it was time some unspoken quota was met.

Noriaki had just finished his third time  brushing out his hair, when he spotted his escort walk over to a nearby door. It looked like it would fall at the slightest touch of his knuckles as he knocked.

“Hey, JoJo!”his voice took on a pitched singing tone. “We got you a three o'clock meal here!”

Noriaki took a step back as a gruff, male voice answered dangerously low.  “You better not have brought me a shrimp again, or I'll be snapping your neck to satisfy the urge.”

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