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I apologize, for a lack of updates: but I have been suffering from some pretty server burnout and writer's block. Not to mention, my mental health has been in the toilet.

So: take these half-baked prompts and little drabbles

[ “Stop! You’re gonna hurt yourself!” ]

    He furrowed his brows as he watched the blonde reach into the rose bush, once more, without the gardening gloves he had offered him on. Jonathan sighs deeply, and he watches carefully as Dio picks up the clippers and goes to cut the dead buds off - only to see a splash of red forming on his fingers.

He jumps from his seat. “Stop! You’ll hurt yourself cutting the roses without gloves.”

The blonde sneers,” Do I look like I care JoJo? I don’t need your filthy gloves...they don’t even fit anyways.”

“Then, let me do it-” Dio scuffs cutting the bluenette off. 

“You? Doing manual labor of any kind - as if.”

    Jonathan pouts deeply, but he leaves the blonde be: returning to doodling birds in his notebook. He hears Dio let out a small hiss of pain, as he pricks himself on another rose thorn.

 [ “Hey! Wait you’re still bleeding!” ]

    Jean tossed the cigarette from his lips, sighing as he crushed the half-burnt stub beneath his boot. “Let’s go and meet the others - I’m sure they’re terribly worried.” 

Jotaro nods, and he moves away from the wall - wincing: while the emergency Speedwagon workers they called did a good job closing the wound in his stomach, it still hurt like hell. He could hardly move without it sending searing pain through his entire being. He was just grateful nothing vital had been damaged. “Yeah - let’s go.”

“Wait!” The French-man stops the tall teenager, who blinks at him as he produces a cute-pink bandaid, the cute nurse from the Foundation had given it to Polernaff for good luck. He just now noticed that Jotaro had a cut on his face. “You’re still bleeding.”

Jotaro pulls away as best he can, “It’s just a small cut on my cheek - relax.” 

Polneraff rolls his eyes, “I’m not going to let you run around bleeding to death! Here!” He presses the bandaid carefully over Jotaro’s cheek, covering the small cut. “All better!”

    The Joestar sighs and he tilts his hat down. “Good grief…Thanks.”

[ “There was so much blood…” ]
⚠️gore mentions⚠️

    The therapist took a deep breath, she had been hired specifically by the Speedwagon Foundation to deal with Stand Users - but that never made her job any easier. The things these people went through, especially at young ages - shocked her to her core. The client before her especially wounded her with his stories. 

She fiddles with her clipboard trying to despite some of her nerves. “Alright, Josuke - tell me how he died again.”  she swallows. “Recalling the event in a safe space helps with the healing process. Remember, take your time - and breath.”

Josuke swallowed hard, and he runs a hand through his unstyled hair - he hasn’t touched it in months. “There was so much blood...a hole was - it was blown straight through him- He-”

The doctor swallows, “Take your time.”

⚠️stalking & obsession ⚠️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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