A Man?!

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A very short and sweet little idea. Not really anything substantial, more of a set-up honestly for an aranged marriage Au with KakJota.
Trembling hands, tightened the tie that was threatening to suffocated him. A nervous hand flew through his hair, but he was careful not to undo the gel in it as best he could.  This was tradition. This was what was best for his family, in order to move up in the world: he had to marry rich. The Joestars, were certainly that. Noriaki Kakyoin, was getting married today. He was marrying a woman he had never met. He didn't have photos, or even a first name. The redhead knew nothing about her - and yet, he stood there in front of a mirror, in a suit that had cost the last of his family's money so that he could sell his soul to her.

He sighed, and dusted himself off. His father stood nearby, tears rolling do his worn face. His callused hands clasped Noriaki's shoulder.

"Everything will be alright. You'll have a future this way. They're going to be able to pay for you to go to college," the Irish man smiled softly and he spun his son around, pulling the young man into a deep hug. "You look so handsome...your mother would be so proud."

Kakyoin sighed, "I'm sure she would Dad. Let's just hope: me and my bride can at least get along..."

His father's face fell, and he rubbed at the back of his neck. "Actually...I know I should have told you before but - the reason this ceremony isn't going to be the fancy event it usally is...is well...the Joestars don't have an heiress...."

Noriaki narrowed his purple gaze, as his stomach began to drop into his shoes. "Dad...what are you saying? I'm not marrying an old woman am I?" He shuddered at the very thought.

"Well, no. You're marrying the heir. A man, Noriaki. You're marrying a man..."

The redhead's whole world seemed to shatter around him. All he manged out, before a nicely dressed maid came rushing in to announce it was tiem for him to walk and meet his 'bride', was "A MAN!?!"

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