Holiday Rendezvous

150 12 39

Part: Stardust Crusaders
Pairing:  AvPol [Avdol x Polneraff] (main course]
KakJota [Kakyoin x Jotaro]
(they just, exist)

Polneraff while visiting the wonderful land of Egypt, finds himself head-over-heels for a mysterious fortune teller...

- suggestive themes (?) *they make like 1 dirty joke*
- iggy is a menace
- polneraff is emotional

Published: June, 26th 2021
Word-Count: 3,385

twins101 here is 3,000+ words of fluffff
The sun, was starting to set: and with it the scent began to calm down, as people retreated to their homes to spend the cool night that was to come: with their families and friends. Some left for home after a long day of work beneath the heated desert sun, and others: from a day of shopping in the open-air market. Jean, was eternally grateful as the sun finally began to sink below the tops of houses: the pale French man had hardly escaped being scorched by it.  If it had not been for the help of a local shopkeeper, he'd have ended up looking like a lobster.

While, he had been enjoying his time in Cario: it was difficult, traveling alone - especially since he only knew snip-bits of the native language. So, far he had stuck to tourist-heavy places meaning it was easy to find someone who at least spoke English, however: he wanted to see parts of the city that weren't so tourist-infested; but without a translator, he might be doomed. So, tomorrow, he was going to head to the Pyramids and all those wonders of the world, and seek out a translator for hire. He heard a soft growl down at his left, and he sighed looking down at his dog: Iggy.

"I know, I know! Your feet are tired." Polneraff huffed, and he gestured to the right of him. "But, look: we're here. Now - I want you to lay low, this place may not be pet friendly."

Iggy grumbled something, likely he was just moody about walking all day in the summer heat. Sometimes, Jean swore his little bulldog understood human speech- but of course, that was ridiculous. The man reached down and stroked the dog's head who accepted them for only a few seconds before going to nip at him. Truth was, Jean had only picked Iggy up off of the street a few weeks back, he had been a starving: and the French man took him in. Now, Iggy was more than healthy: he was a brat.

The dog stuck his nose up in the air: and trotted through the open coffee house door, and Jean sighed. He looked at it carefully for a moment but found that it was defiantly a tourist destination: because he saw people who were not dressed for Egypt's climate, and looked like they regretted it. Smoke billowed about from one corner of the room, which was a designated smoking area. Polneraff grinned, he definitely needed a smoke. He walked inside and noticed that nobody seemed to even look in his direction besides the few baristas.

Everyone looked tired and ready to fall asleep on the warm, floor of the building.  Jean approached the smoking corner and found that, besides an older gentleman lighting a pipe, there were only two other people there. At first, he thought they were young men - likely traveling the world, just like him: but then, he looked closer at their faces and not their heights or builds. Jean furrowed his brows, these were teenagers. The French man shrugged, he had started smoking when he was young too.

Then, he noticed: one wasn't smoking - he was just sitting beside his friend. Polneraff joined them, and he lit his own cancer stick.

"So, what brand are you smoking?"He asked, hoping to spark up a conversation. Neither one of them looked approachable, but the magic of the smoking corner was that all kinds of people got along there: bonding over burning grey clouds. The taller of the pair shook his head: curly dark locks draping across his face.

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