Chapter 13 I See Through YOU

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Lachlan's POV***********
(Music Jealous Again by The Black Crows courtesy of YouTube)

I was in my class room in the supply closet drinking my lunch when I heard a commotion in the halls. I used my advanced vamp. hearing to investigate. I heard the students  whispering to each other, "Why is Dean dragging Ava out of school?" What the fuck?  I hear others saying, " What's he doing with Ava?" And "Where are they going?" Going? going where? Dean and Ava? Hell no! I storm out of my supply closet, stomp out of the class room, making my way to the school parking lot with steady determination in my stride and fire in my eyes. I walk out of the doors and spot them in Deans' jeep. Ava is sitting on his lap. It takes all of my self control to stop myself from jerking her out of that crappy red jeep,  I use my vamp hearing to listen to what they are saying......

"Ava If you do not stop I will lose control!". He pushes some dangling hair behind her ear and says," Please sweet Ava don't make me wait anymore,"  Wait? Wait for what? I think to myself as I listen. " I talked to Granny and she said I can go with you.... but, she has some rules." said Ava with reluctance.

GO? Go where? Together? My blood runs cold at the thought of them going anywhere together. My fingernails dig in my palms as I seethe in anger. I take a deep breath calming myself before I screw up everything and I listen. "You have made me so happy Ava," says Dean as he holds her face in his hands; kissing her forehead. I growl in anger and I would swear Ava heard me, her head snapped in my direction at my outburst. Dean didn't notice anything but her. He had a goofy grin on his face as he looked at her in Aaww as he said, " I will do whatever you want me to, whatever your grandmother wants me to just to go with you my sweet Ava." Dean coos as he has the biggest smile on his face. She is Not his! My fingernails had pierced my skin dripping blood between my knuckles, I was livid. Taking deep breaths was not working. I wanted to rip his head from his shoulders but, I can't in front of everyone.  I close my eyes slowing my breathing as I listen..... "Dean you can have any girl in school, why don't you go ask someone else? We both know anyone else would say yes." asks Ava being sincere. I chuckle to myself. "I want to go with you." Dean wines. "If you want to go with me because you think you can get me drunk and I will have sex with you, you are wrong! I can handle my liquor and I make my own drinks! " Ava says with a little attitude. I smile, that's my girl! Wait? My girl? She's not my girl? Dean coolly answers, "I didn't ask you to go with me to have sex Ava. Although, having sex with you would be phenomenal. I asked you because I want you to go out with me. I have wanted you to go out with me since freshman year when I saw you come out of the girls locker room in your P.E. shorts. I promise I will not try anything, we will have fun." Dean almost pleads with her. " Okay, I will go but, If you try anything I will kick you in the balls!" Dean chuckles Ava continues on, "And I will tell my Granny!" Deans smile fell. "I promise my sweet Ava I will be a complete gentleman. We will have fun you will see." Dean says. No no no! She can't be going to a stupid dance with that meat head! I can't listen to anymore of this. I have to get out of here before I sink my fangs in his neck and rip his throat out in front of the high school.

I grab a girl walking by and look into her eyes with my red eyes. She gasps at the sight. I use my power of compulsion on her, "Go to the office and tell them I am very sick and had to leave. I will be back when I feel better. And forget my red eyes and fangs" The girl walked away with the task I gave her. I walked to my truck with my head down to not draw attention. I got in my truck and drove away as fast as I could without going noticed. As I drove away from her my heart stopped beating. The warm feeling became replaced a cold and empty feeling. An empty feeling that can only be filled with blood. My anger is push my blood-lust to lengths that are like I haven't experienced before. Not even when I was newly turned did I experience blood-lust this extreme. It is going to be an eventful evening. I think to myself as I snicker.

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