Chapter 2 The First Time They Meet

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(Music by Heart, "Straight On")
Lachlan's POV *******And ^^^^^^^^

It was a dark night, clouds covered the sky hiding the light of the moon. If it were not for my ability to see in the dark I would be like the rest of the useless humans or food as I call them. And with that thought I plunge my fangs into a slutty human that practically forced her way into my hotel room. I should be used to it after 960 years of men and women doing whatever I tell them to do. I am so used to it I'm bored out of my mind.

Humans are drawn to me, my skin calls to them to touch me. My long blonde wavy hair calls for them to run their fingers through it. My shapely reddish pink lips call to be kissed. That's not including my other abilities of creeping in their minds and making them see what I want. I can use compulsion on them and, vampires that are younger than me to do whatever I want. I have had my fun through the years but now, I'm so sick of it all. I'm so bored in my existence and so sick and tired of being alone.

It's in the year 1981, I'm almost 1,000 years old, and my life is monotonous! I will admit, after I escaped my creator, life was exciting again for a few hundred years but, that was 600 years ago.
I wish for the end or the beginning of something, anything! I wish for all the blood lust for stupid humans to end. There is no end to my existence or indifference. Only blood and boredom.
The only way for me to die is to remove my heart and burn it or decapitation and burning my body. I'm an apex predator, close to the top of the food chain and, humans have no idea my kind exist. I'm sure there's something out there stronger than me but I don't know what it would be.

There aren't many of us vampires. I have only met 4 and one was my creator. The others I met through the years during my travels many years ago.
I'm now in the Americas, L. A., California in a disco devouring a girl in the back alley. Stupid human, she was strutting out the door with me like she won something. All the women were flirting pushing up their breasts and skirts, rubbing their asses on me. One put her hand down my pants. Enough is enough, I grab the one that had on the least perfume by the hand and led her out back. I suck the girl dry and quickly work covering my tracks. I throw her body in the dumpster drench it with lighter fluid. I strike a match and pitch it. A "Woosh!" Sounded at an explosion of fire. I have to cover my ass wherever I go or my creator will find me. Two hundred years with her was enough.
She said I was her "Beloved" . Whatever that is I don't want to be "hers". I rather enjoy my freedom and she enjoys chaining me to wall and using me for her pleasure. I couldn't over power her, she has 500 years on me. She was created by the First. I don't know much about her. She's supposed to be no longer around.

Three days later. I'm running through Arizona in the mountains looking for my next attempt at not being alone. It's not as easy as it is in the movies to be transformed into a vampire. I think I survived out of sheer stupidity. I had no idea what was happening and passed out. I remember thinking "fight! Fight to survive." Boy was I wrong.

The moonlight is especially bright tonight. It's as if the moon is telling me it's ok to not want to be alone. It's okay to try to give someone your gifts. I find a house in the middle of no where and listen for their heartbeats. My heart hasn't beaten since my transformation 960 years ago, proof I'm dead inside. I hear 2 heartbeats, "good they sound strong, they might survive." I say to myself out loud hoping the fates will hear my plea and this will work! I won't be alone for eternity.

I invade the minds of the sleeping couple unaware of the lonely monster that's in control. I use a blade to slit my wrist using compulsion on the man to drink. The man, entranced, drinks the blood and lays back down as if he's still sleeping. The female does the same thing. Next Lachlan bites them both releasing his venom. Soon the transformation begins. The venom carries a virus that causes vampirism and their bodies require blood to function. Vampires eat food and drink blood. We require both or we desiccate. We don't die but shrivel up like a dried fruit and, it's very painful.
The couple both have a fever sweating profusely as their bodies try to expel the virus. The man convulses and bleeds from his nose. He's not going to make it but, the woman is a fighter . I rub her body down with alcohol to try and keep her temperature down. So far it's working for her the man died an hour ago. It takes a full 24 hours to transform completely and the woman is at the 8 hour mark. Only the strong survive and most aren't so strong.
12 hours in the transformation and all is the same. I had a glimmer of hope when the female begins to convulse. She has a seizure that will not stop. Nothing Lachlan does stops the inevitable. The girl dies in spite of all my efforts. I scream at the top of my lungs "Will My Loneliness Ever End?" I screamed at the sky venting my pain, loneliness and frustration. I burn my feeble attempt to the ground. I burn every trace of the couple. Once ashes are all that's left I run East.

I run to get away from another failure. I run because my loneliness is unbearable. I run because I'm at a loss, I don't know why it won't work. The lonely hell I'm in torments me. Only death will give me peace,......or so I thought.

I have no idea how long I ran like Forrest Gump on meth but, it must be days because I'm feeling the beginning effects of bloodlust. Vampires can be in the sun but, sunlight hurts their eyes. It makes us venerable during the day. Vampires eat food every day but, we require blood once a week. The virus stops the heart from pumping blood and making blood. Without blood it's very painful and can cause vampires to act ravenous with bloodlust and go on killing spree.

I'm in the middle of a cotton field with nothing in sight but some trees and a little church. The old church has a steeple with a bell at top, a handful of stain glass windows with concrete steps leading up to a set of double doors painted white with chips of paint adorn the old wooden church. I can hear cars in the distance. With my keen vampire hearing, it sounds like the town is about a mile away. I take a deep breath and smell the most wonderful smell in the world. It smells of honeysuckle and orange blossoms, my mouth waters for the first time in centuries. In a frenzy I run with vamp speed to the smell that's pulling me like a magnet. I get closer, to my surprise, I see a little girl. The most beautiful little girl I've ever seen I swear my heart beats , it actually beats! But that smell can't be coming from her. I take a deep breath and honeysuckle and orange blossoms overwhelms me My heart beats again and again! I'm in a daze, her sent has me entranced. Her blood is calling me! My heart is thumping away in my chest like it did over 900 years ago!
All I can do is stare at her splendor in aww. Blinking, All I do is stand frozen only blinking. I'm so hungry and she smells oh so delicious. After many years of killing it's second nature to me but, in this moment I hesitate. But why? Why? When I can smell the best meal in a defenseless little girl standing in front of me with the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life. Who is this child? What is she doing to me? Does she know what she's doing? All these questions and more are rolling through my head as she patiently waits for me to speak. Smiling her precious smile, all the while I'm deciding if I should drink every drop of her blood and lick my fingers.
I have only had this dilemma once and that was with my creator. I internally debated on killing her. She said I was her beloved. We had tried to do the bonding ceremony. I say tried because I don't think it worked. I don't think our blood was supposed to turn black and crumble into dust. She never said a word she just kissed me and said I was hers forever.
Back to my current dilemma, this beautiful little girl that smells divine. Is not a coward. She takes the initiative and speaks first. "D-Do I know you Sir?" She says with her sweet little southern accent. I guess I have a subtle English accent. But this little innocent girl has a sweet southern accent that I could listen to all day. The whole time I'm standing there still staring at her like some creep blinking!

I pull myself together enough to speak, "No, I'm lost." I say with the nicest smile evil can give.
"You must be goin' to the park. Everything is at the park. You can walk with me. My name's Ava. What's your name?" She nervously asked with her sweet southern accent.
"Yes, the park, that's where I'm going. My name is Lachlan." I saw as I reach out to shake her hand. She put her tiny hand in mine and my heart thumps harder rattling my chest, the whole time she shakes my hand.
"Nice to meet you, come on my friend is waitn' for me." She says in a hurry waiving me to follow. Something deep inside told me I would follow her anywhere. My outer resolve was very untrusting and suspicious.

She is so cute. The whole way she talked about swimming at the town pool, playing softball and her Granny. I hate to admit I was hanging on every word. Why the hell did I care? I have no fucking idea!
As soon as we got to the park she said bye and ran to the pool. I have never felt more alone in my life than right then. When she walked away it was emptiness, so much emptiness. What is that little girl? What is she doing to me? Why did she effect me like that? How did she make my heartbeat? And why does she smell so damn good? I don't know but I'm going to find out!

What is Ava?
Why does she have that effect on Lachlan?
What do you think Lachlan will do?

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Love y'all 💙,

1913 words

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