Chapter 15 The Dance

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Garth Brooks on G.M.A. ^^^^(There will be a surprise POV in this chapter) Dean ^^^^^^

Lachlan's POV **********

Lachlan's suite for the dance^^^^^^^

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Lachlan's suite for the dance^^^^^^^

Lachlan's POV ************

I find myself standing in a corner of the parking lot enraged as my Ava sits on Dean's lap as he caresses her cheek. I was over-rot with emotions.  I was jealous, angry, confused, hurt, but; most of all I wanted to sink my fangs into her soft golden skin making her mine forever. This was confusing for me because she was not my beloved. I was holding myself back with every ounce of resolve I have. Ava notices me as she exhales a puff of smoke, I see concern in her eyes then fear, she begins shaking as fear is coming from her in waves. Fuck! She is afraid I will hurt her, I have to leave. I spin around making my way back to my supply closet to get myself together, as my brain was still in overdrive all I could focus on was the fear on her beautiful face. I'm such an idiot, she thought I was going to hurt her! I have to fix this! I have to get her away from that steroid freak, Dean and trust me. I run my fingers through my blonde lochs over and over again trying to think of where to start? And then it hit me...Dean, he a man-ho! He pulls girls in the hall supply closet all the time, I hear it but I don't care. Then it hit me like North Dakota wind in the winter, like ice flowing through my vanes. Ava is still innocent! He wants her innocence! Wait a minute! Ava doesn't like or date anyone, she would not do anything with him so he will be going to someone to take care of his needs. That's it!!! I will catch him with another girl and use compulsion on him to admit his activities with other girls to Ava. I don't want to hurt her so I will wait for him to actually screw up. I know it is only a matter of time. I chuckle darkly in thought of ways to make Dean suffer.....

Ava's POV****************

Ava's Dress and shoes  ^^^^^^^^^

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Ava's Dress and shoes ^^^^^^^^^

"Granny where did I put the glitter lotion? I'm not wearing pantyhose!, they will be too hot if I dance." Ava says with a slightly raised voice from her bed room; while her grandmother was sitting in her tan recliner with a crocheted blanket draping over the back of the chair. Granny was always crocheting ,knitting, or sewing something. She was a talented seamstress who was currently repairing the dress we found at a yard-sale. Granny was adding sequence where it had fallen off in previous wear from the original owner. By the missing sequence and frayed straps and trim she had a very good time. Because of the work the dress needed and the lady new Granny we got a deal, Granny paid $25.00 for my dress. I don't care what it cost as long as it's fancy enough to not get maid fun of. We live off what's called a fixed income, meaning we don't have money for anything extra. My Mother and Father do not help pay for anything; not one cent. They don't buy birthday or Christmas gifts either. That's why I don't mind a yard-sale dress, Granny will fix it up for me. The thought alone warms my heart. I have the best Granny in the world.

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