Chapter 16 Happy, Glad, Mad, Sad

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Shaggy, 'It Wasn't Me' ^^^^^^^^
{Long Chapter with 2 POV Enjoy}

Lachlan's POV******^^^^^^^^

I was topping off my thirst with the girls that work at Casey's when my phone alarm chimed. It was time for the football game. I hurried with anticipation to see her. I cleaned up any dribbles of blood of my chin,  heal and erased the girls memories; leaving out the back with vamp speed to remain unseen.

I arrive at the football field just after kick-off. As I walked toward the bleachers I caught her wonderful scent of honeysuckle and roses. My heart thumps a steady rhythm that calms me instantly. I find her sitting beside her grandmother about half way up. I froze in mid-stride, the air felt as though is was sucked out of my lungs, my heart speeds up and I had no idea that was possible. Ava was beautiful! She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in all my years. Her skin had an angelic glow. Her eyes twinkled with a rare green hazel with a deep blue outer ring. I was so lost in her eyes nothing else mattered. I don't know how long we were looking at each other a second, a week, I don't know or care. I was blissfully lost in her eyes, in her smell, her beauty, her heartbeat; her.

My heavenly haze was rudely interrupted. A tap to my shoulder coupled by a high pitched shrill of a voice pulled me out of my own personal heaven; and I was pissed. "Lachlan... I can handle ...all your needs." Misty says as she strokes my arm in an attempt to be seductive. I rake her fingers off me and scold her like a pet saying, "How dare you touch me!" I snap. " It is inappropriate for teachers to have relationships with students Misty!" I hiss in anger. Misty winces in fear. "Further behavior in this manner will result in me revealing this to the principal and the school board."  I say sharply. Misty cowers in fear stumbling away in her stripper-heels on the grass. It was quite comical. I would have laughed if I wasn't so pissed at that scanch (it's what the locals call a lower class person that's dirty inside and out, for lack of a better description) .

I would have drank her dry and ripped her throat out if it weren't for all the witnesses. That pissed me off! That nasty vermin actually touched me. I look around and notice all the fuck me looks I am getting. I can't stand here and creep on Ava all night. I will find a place to watch her without being so obvious. I perch in the upper left corner  of the bleachers; with a clear view of her.

I kept a watchful eye on her all evening. I had to hold myself back when he was always finding excuses to touch her. I did steal a dance with her when Dean was drinking with his football buddies. Having her in my arms, touching her skin, smelling her scent, hearing her voice was making me crazy with desire. The effect she has on my body is euphoric and challenging. When she is near I feel more alive then when I was alive. I also have a primal need to sink my fangs in her soft pale skin drinking her blood as I pound her pussy making her scream my nave over and over again. Whatever power she has over me is heaven and hell at the same time.

Dean comes back smelling of vodka and jealousy saying, "I can take it from hear Mr. Grey, go dance with some teachers your age!" sounding more like a snide remark than a mere suggestion. He takes Ava by her arm turning her toward him and pulling her into his chest. All eyes in the room where watching and waiting for something to use as ammo to gossip about Ava. I could not add to the gossip so I politely excused myself hiding away in a dark corner disappearing in the back-ground.

I can believe that little prick had dinner prepared and a table set up for her on the football field. The jerk has more game then I gave him credit for. He was showing her a great time and it put an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Ava was enjoying herself, I was happy for her, I couldn't stop the smile that mimicked hers. It was as if I could feel her happiness making me happy. I have no idea how she is doing it!  I felt wonderful! What are you Ava?

Why Did  The Vampires 💓 Heartbeat?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα