Chapter 22 Wrong So Far

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Chapter dedicated to BooksLoverFirever123 Ty for reading
(music-The Toadies, Possum Kingdom courtesy YouTube. Photo courtesy Google )

Lachlan's POV*********

It was Monday morning in my old 1950's built classroom with ugly tan walls that were once white, green and stained brown tiles on the floor, old battered desks from the same era scattered through out the room, I'm nervously pacing the floor.

I have given Ava all weekend to think about everything and get over the shock. I'm not-so-patiently waiting for her to get to school, pacing in front of my desk. I plan to talk to her after school, answering any questions she has. Why am I so nervous? I think to myself as I paced left, then right,.. left,.. right, anxiously waiting, anticipating her arrival. I will know when I look in her eyes if she will give me,... us,... a go.

My hands clasped behind my back, my face marred with worry, with a far off gaze thinking only of her, pacing . I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Well an off feeling? Oh, I don't know!? What time is it? I pause my pace to look at the clock above the chalkboard 7:49, any minute now she will be here. I mindlessly pick my pacing back up. She doesn't miss school, I know she will be here. I run my fingers through my hair for the hundredth time keeping a steady pace, left, then right, left, then right. I can't wait to see her but, will she talk to me, avoid me, or worse, fear me?

Something is not right I can feel it. I have been feeling fear, dread and, nervousness but, why? I'm a vampire, I'm not afraid of anything, so where are these feelings coming from? Still pacing back and forth, right,... left. I look at the clock on the wall again, 7:52 a.m., she should be here any minute. My pace never wavering back and forth worry evident in my stride. A heavenly giggle interrupts my distress, " She's here." I whisper, my feet freeze in-place as I hear her sweet southern accent say, "I'll meet you at your locker." This is it!, I think to myself as I straighten my clothes nervously! When I look in her eyes I will know if she will give me a chance, us a chance. I take a deep breath and gather my nerve to face her.

I walk to the hallway as the teachers are patrolling the halls, keeping the horse play down to a minimum. I take a deep breath for her sent to calm me. her scent is faint, garlic, someone reeks of garlic dulling my sense of smell. Her long golden hair shines in the florescent lights, she faces her locker. I see her visibly tense and she turns around with her head down. She's not looking at me. Why isn't she looking at me?

She raises her head and eyes slowly combing over my body. My body tingles in anticipation. When her eyes meet mine I was not prepared for what I saw,.... fear. She was afraid of me. Pain, it felt like I was shot in the heart. My worst fears were unfolding before my eyes and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Not here not now. I take step back recovering from the pain.

I take further investigation and see Ava wore crosses on her ears, around her neck, on her wrist, she smelled of garlic and fear. My sweet Ava was afraid of me. My heart sank and so did my smile. Her beautiful hazel eyes held fear and guilt as our eyes were still locked together. Suzanne notices something going on between us and interrupted our silent but, awkward encounter by grabbing Ava by her shoulder and spinning her toward her class saying, "Come on Ava we gotta go to homeroom." I hear Suzanne whisper in Ava's ear. "Whatever that was between you and Mr. Hot-Ass you are telling me all about it later." Ava replies in a whisper, " Okay, after school, after we drop Kim off but, only because I have to talk to someone." I watch her walking away from me.

I thought it better to give her space. She was afraid of me and I did not want to do anything to scare her more. It would give me time to think of a way to change her mind about me. I know I could use my compulsion on her but, I don't want that, not with her. I want her to have genuine feelings for me. When I told her I want everything the right way with her I meant it. I will give her space and she will come to me with questions. Right? Right?

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