Chapter 26 The Prophet

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(Photo by google Music Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield by YouTube)

(Last Chapter)

Lachlan's POV ****
I see a silhouette of a woman walking closer. She finally steps in the glow of the lights and I see her. The woman who broke me. I say just above a whisper in shock, "Gilda my beloved!"

Ava's POV********

When the female silhouette walked out from the shadows shock and fear rolled off me. It was her, the evil woman from my nightmares! With her walking towards us I could feel how evil she was. That's weird, I can feel her evil, how? When Lachlan called her his beloved my heart shattered. Lachlan and the woman who is Gilda his beloved, locked eyes. A heavy weight seemed like it was crushing me. I was suffocating. I had to get out of there and away from her, from them. I had slipped off my shoes at dinner and used it to my advantage. I slowly stood taking care not to move the chair. Gilda still focused on Lachlan, walking to him slowly smirking. I took their distraction as an opportunity and tip-toed away slowly. I tiptoed through the grass holding my breath afraid she will hear me. I make it around the side of the house and out of their line of sight. I let out the breath I was holding and inhaled another and held it. I tiptoed as fast as I could getting as much distance between me and them. Only breathing when I have to for fear they will hear me. When I felt I was far enough away to make noise I ran. I ran through fields jumping flood-way ditches. I know which way to run, I know all the back roads and short-cuts. My country girl feet don't fail me now! I chant trudging on.

I made it about 2 miles when I came upon Mr. Longs farm. That's when the weight of what happened hit me. My tears, silent at first rolled down my face dripping from my chin. The pain in my heart became hurt more as I remember his words to her. I began to cry louder. My knees feel weak and shaky I crumble to the ground. Lachlan calling her his beloved echoed over and over in my head louder than my cries. I tucked in a ball bellowing my cries of pain behind Mr. Longs' barn thinking one thing, no one will ever love me but Granny.

I don't know how long I cried. I cried until I got mad at myself for ever letting him in. In anger I got up, knocking the dirt off stomping my feet like an angry 3 year old in the direction of home.

I'm trudging through my 3rd freshly planted cotton field. I was confident I was far enough away from Lachlan and, that woman that they can't hear or, smell me, I hope. I'm about 2 miles from town and 3 miles to home. Angry walking distracted me from everything hard I've stepped on, all the cuts and scrapes. My feet sting as dirt invades my open wounds. I have to keep going.

I was watching the ground to save what's left of my feet when I ran into something hard. I step back looking up at my obstacle. Holy fuck! It's Gilda! I fucking hate her! I hate her smile and her perfect teeth. Oh how I wish I could kick in those pearly whites.
"I will enjoy making you suffer." Gilda says smirking. I reply with no filter or care for my life, "Why don't you take your ugly bitch-ass back to him? You're voice is like nails on a chalkboard!"

I did not think that through. I hear a animalistic growl as I'm jerked by arm. She digs her long nails in my skin dragging me behind her. She was going so fast I couldn't focus on my surroundings.

We stop abruptly and I smack into her back, she glares down at me. How tall is she, 6"? Of course she's model material.

We're in the middle of a field with two 2' by 4' boards in the shape of a cross sticking out of the ground in the middle of yet another cotton field. My back slammed to the board she tied me up on the cross with vamp. Speed. Her smile morphs into scowl screeching , "After you're dead he will be like me, mate-less. He will only have our bond. He will be mine! You are nothing to him! He loves me!" She lunges taking a bite of my shoulder drinking my blood aggressively. I scream in pain and fear for my life. She punches my gut hard. I vomit on her beautiful black dress and smile. She pulls out a dagger from who knows where and slashed my leg and licks my dripping blood. I cry out unable to hold my screams. She punches and slashes until I pass out from pain and blood loss.
I wake to her feeding me her blood, choking as she forces it down. I feel a little better but, that doesn't last long. She grabbed my left hand harshly holding a long silver nail to my palm with a hammer in her other hand. She swings hitting the nail on the head. I scream in agony as the nail is forced through my skin deeper with every strike. I'm heaving from the pain. She bites me again drinking my blood, ripping my flesh. I'm trying to hang on for Granny. She would be devastated, she would be alone.

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