Chapter 5 Jelly

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(Frankie Miller, Jealousy)
Give it a listen. It goes with the chapter

Lachlan's POV **************

When our eyes met it was like I heard the Angels singing. My heart thumped in my chest so hard my chest vibrated. A warmth fills me as if I were alive again. I was frozen, locked in her beautiful unique hazel eyes and this wonderful feeling. I felt whole for the first time. My dismal existence found it's meaning in seconds of looking into green, brown, and gold swirled together with a ring of midnight blue holding the swirl of colors together eyes. Then she looks away! She looks everywhere but me! I feel like John Thornton in "North And South" When he's standing on the step pleading "Look back at me. Look back at me!" My beating heart stops and I feel cold again. My determination has only increased after whatever it is she did to awaken my dead soul.
I can't keep my eyes off of her. She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Ava has these full lips I have been itching to taste. Her long sun bleached golden hair I want to run my fingers through. Those freckles that lightly adorned her cute nose and shoulders I want to kiss each and every one. Her firm breasts, I can't wait to see how much will fit in my mouth. I'm jealous of the water that is dripping down her tone body. She has a tiny waste with a six-pack, yes a six-pack. Ava is very athletic and it definitely shows. Her shapely legs go all the way up and make the most delicious ass I have ever seen in all my life! What? I'm a man, stop judging.
And no I'm not the kind of man to have a string of woman. I'm not a virgin by far but, since I met Ava no other woman has caught my eyes. My beloved was a beautiful woman but not as beautiful as my Ava. Well, she's not mine yet but, she will be!

Just as I thought everyone came rushing up to me. Girls were fighting for my attention and guys were asking about my truck. I new the truck was a good idea. I'm the new star attraction sucking everyone in like predator luring in their prey. Being a vampire does have it's advantages. I'm designed to lure in my prey with my chiseled good looks, my enticing smell, my commanding voice, my penetrating eyes. If all of that doesn't work I can crawl in their mind and make them my puppet. Not to mention my natural charming self. Woman can't resist me, well, until today.

Why isn't she coming over to me like all the other stupid humans? Why is she avoiding me? She's swimming away! What?! Why?! I have the flashy truck, good looks, I mean I'm irresistible! All the other girls are fighting for my attention, rubbing their boobs on me and looking at me licking their lips like I'm dinner and they're starving! But Ava!  She won't even look at me!

Ava walks back to shore with the rope swing in hand; and, oh fuck! Some bimbo will not get out of my face. I had rather eat her face than listen to her high pitched squeal. I cringe as she speaks louder to be heard over the crowd. I push this girl off me and say, "Christy, Ditsy, whatever your name is I don't get involved with minors." This did not detour her one bit! She replies, "My name is Misty and I will be 18 in 6 months, as she strokes her nails along my arm looking at me hungrily. I removed her hand from me and began talking to some guy who was asking questions about my truck. Ditsy huffed in aggravation but, didn't budge from her position in the front of the crowd.
I talked with some of the guys about my truck. Apparently trucks are very important subject for them. As I'm making idle conversation I can't help but secretly watch her. I can't keep my eyes off her voluptuous curves in her Bikini. Some jerk-off notices my sweet Ava and walks over to her. My Ava isn't interested in anyone, she will reject him. What the fuck?!? She's letting him stay and she's not leaving!?! I will rip that punks head off with my teeth! I clinch my fists in anger. My eyes glow red and my fangs are itching to come out. I have to calm myself. I'm glad I'm wearing sunglasses or they would have seen my eyes. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Her mouthwatering scent lingers in the air and calms me. I collect myself and continue my charade. All the girls were hanging off my every word. I was getting along with the guys.
The whole time Ava wouldn't look my way. She was swinging and swimming with that prick! They were talking and laughing! It was making me nauseated. I have to do something! I have to do something to get him away from her. I've got it! "Hey everybody lets go skinny-dipping?" I purpose. I know she will leave and he will stay. All high school guys think about is sex. See perfect win win!
Of course everyone is excited about my idea and starts to strip off their clothes. I was right, Ava is leaving. Wait why is she walking? It's 7 miles to town she can't walk. Then I realize how perfect this is, I can give her a ride home and spend time alone with her. As I'm walking back to my truck smiling like a blooming idiot at my wonderful idea, I see a red Jeep pull up to Ava. Who in the fuck is that? It's the same jerk off that was talking to my Ava. He's offering her a ride! Oh don't get in Ava, don't get in! And she got in! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!! My plan was shit! Now what in the hell am I going to do? How am I going to get her attention? Why didn't my plan work? It worked on everyone else why not her?
In my anger and frustration and get in my truck and speed away throwing rocks and dust in my wake leaving everyone stunned. I don't care. All I care about is how am I going to get the attention of my beautiful Ava?
I drive and don't stop until I reach St Louis 3 hours later. I have to feed my rage my bloodlust. I go to the bad part of town and pick up a couple hookers. I drain them both dry. Dump their bodies in the mighty Mississippi River and drive straight to Ava's house. I'm calmer but, I have to see her and make sure that punk isn't with her.
It's about 10p.m. by the time I make it to her house. Her grandmother is sitting in her rocker watching the news. Ava is in her room getting ready for bed. She has on a tie-dye T-shirt with some pink lace underwear. My heart starts pounding in my chest, my body feels warm all over, the bulge in my pants grows and throbs at the sight of her. All the dirty things I want to do to her. I could make her do whatever I want.
Sexual thoughts *****
I could make her bend over spread her legs and pound her from behind while pulling her long hair and drinking her blood. My dick is throbbing in pain I want her so much.
End sexual thoughts

But I don't want her like that. I want her to want me like I want her. I want her to come to me on her own.
I just have to find a way for her to notice me. To want to get to know me. I will be spending more time with her at school. I can't wait! I will get her attention! She will notice me! She will come to me! I have waited long enough! I will have you Ava, all of you soon, very soon.....

How will Lachlan get her attention?
What's Dean up too?
What do you think?

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Love y'all 💘,
1398 words

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